Umphandza: Sichazamagama seSiSwati by Cynthia Sbusiso Hlophe; Dorothy Siphiwe Tsabedze; Busisiwe Dlamini-Nkomo; Thoko Mgabhi; Thapelo J. Otlogetswe
#siSwati, #íncwadzí, #lúlwîmi, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
"This is the first monolingual SesiSwati dictionary. The completion and publication of this dictionary marks an important milestone in the march forward towards the development of the capacity for SesiSwati to emerge as a language of formal education."
#siSwati #íncwadzí #lúlwîmi #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety