#λ Category Theory Illustrated - Functors
"… What are functors …" #Functional #Programming #isomorphism
thanks https://lobste.rs/s/pjy2bo/category_theory_illustrated_functors
¹ https://mro.name/asuek9t
#isomorphism #programming #functional #λ
Good morning folx of #Fediverse :fediverse: ! I interrupt swearing at #CUDA and #Torch to bring you today's #ConnectionList #Introduction #FollowFriday, where I help to more richly connect the Fediverse.
@terrytangyuan is a #MachineLearning #Kubernetes #OpenSource #MLOps engineer who is co-chair of #KubeFlow and maintains #TensorFlow (thank you!).
@yarnspinner is a #dialogue #dialog tool for #GamesDev, brought to you by the team @thesecretlab
@Cerchie is Lucia who is a #DevRel #DeveloperAdvocate at #Confluent, based in the 🇺🇸 👋
@ocramz is Marco and he is into #MachineLearning #ML #NLP #λ #lambda and #NLProc
@lira is into #poetry, #ComputerScience and #Philosophy
@frankjhopwood is a #PhD candidate #researcher #academic at #Groningen working on #speech technology #SpeechSynthesis #TTS for #Frisian. Fun Frisian fact: did you know that "keks" in Frisian means "cookies"?! Cakes and cookies! (Sorry I've always found that very amusing! 🍰 🍪 )
@blairpalese is Director of #Philanthropy at #EthInvest and Media Director and Editor at Climate and Capital Media. She's into #GreenFinance #ClimateRisk #Environment 🌱
Don't forget to share your own #ConnectionList so we can connect more widely ❤️
#fediverse #cuda #torch #connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #machinelearning #kubernetes #opensource #MLOps #kubeflow #tensorflow #dialogue #dialog #gamesdev #devrel #developeradvocate #confluent #ml #nlp #λ #lambda #nlproc #poetry #computerscience #philosophy #phd #researcher #academic #groningen #speech #speechsynthesis #tts #frisian #philanthropy #ethinvest #greenfinance #climaterisk #environment
⭐ 📺 #λ Simple Made Easy | Rich Hickey #AD2011
via https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22396545 #Design #Simplicity #Complexity
¹ https://mro.name/a8rkssc
#complexity #simplicity #design #AD2011 #λ
🐫 Programmiersprache #OCaml 5 hat eine Runtime für Multicore-Programme | heise online
"Die neue Hauptversion führt mit Shared Memory Parallelism und Effect Handlers Konzepte für parallele und nebenläufige Programmierung ein." #concurrency #Parallel #λ
¹ https://mro.name/ary5495
#λ #parallel #concurrency #ocaml
#λ #Functional #programming in stack-based assembly • Wim Vanderbauwhede
in the #Forth -like language Uxntal.
via https://merveilles.town/@wim_v12e/109138182031133125
¹ https://mro.name/ar5cdk9
#forth #programming #functional #λ
🏸 #Racket & #Swift UI #macOS Bogdanp/NoiseBackendExample
via https://lobste.rs/s/oc091b/racket_hacking_swiftui_racket
¹ https://mro.name/akgueub
#λ 🐫 Advanced #Functional #Programming – Course materials
via https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/how-to-learn-to-fully-exploit-ocamls-type-system/10335/7?u=mro
¹ https://mro.name/akfxd8r