【斉藤壮馬 小林千晃】BLドラマCD「嫌いでいさせて 4」試聴2公開 #斉藤壮馬 #小林千晃 #嫌いでいさせて https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1683871/voice-actor/
#4試聴2公開 #BL #BLCD #Vlog #voiceactor #α #゚ω゚ #オメガバース #キューエッグ #シンママ #シンママΩ #ドラマCD #ビーボーイ #ひじき #中島ヨシキ #古川慎 #増田俊樹 #声優 #嫌いでいさせて #小林千晃 #小林千晃BLドラマCD嫌いでいさせて #年下スパダリα #斉藤壮馬 #江口拓也 #男性声優
#斉藤壮馬 #小林千晃 #嫌いでいさせて #4試聴2公開 #bl #blcd #vlog #voiceactor #α #ω #オメガバース #キューエッグ #シンママ #シンママω #ドラマCD #ビーボーイ #ひじき #中島ヨシキ #古川慎 #増田俊樹 #声優 #小林千晃blドラマcd嫌いでいさせて #年下スパダリα #江口拓也 #男性声優
指をしゃぶった かわいい子猫ちゃんの 驚き顔がかわいくて 悶絶 ♪【PECOTV】 https://www.meowmoe.com/31125/
##ネコ #britishcat #cat #finger #kitten #neko #peco #PECOTV #Ω #おしゃぶり #おしゃぶり猫 #かわいい #かわいい子猫 #かわいい子猫ちゃん #かわいくて悶絶 #どんな味? #ねこ #パクッ #びっくり #びっくりな顔 #ぺこ #ぺこTV #子猫 #悶絶 #指 #指をパクッ #猫 #甘えん坊 #甘えん坊の子猫ちゃん #癒し #驚き #驚き顔
#驚き顔 #驚き #癒し #甘えん坊の子猫ちゃん #甘えん坊 #猫 #指をパクッ #指 #悶絶 #子猫 #ぺこTV #ぺこ #びっくりな顔 #びっくり #パクッ #ねこ #どんな味 #かわいくて悶絶 #かわいい子猫ちゃん #かわいい子猫 #かわいい #おしゃぶり猫 #おしゃぶり #ω #PECOTV #peco #neko #kitten #finger #cat #britishcat #ネコ
We complain that business valuations on patents inhibit #opensource businesses scaling.
"Patents are only one measure of a company’s true capacity for innovation." say @IBM
Is this a sign of change? #Ωhttps://fortune.com/2023/01/06/ibm-patent-record-how-to-measure-innovation-open-source-quantum-computing-tech/
This is the kind of topic we will explore in our Entrepreneurship room at
#stateofopencon #SOOCon23
#opensource #ω #stateofopencon #soocon23
Hi! I'm Cosmo. I've been a #computer & #electronics enthusiast all my life. My first computer was an Apple ][+. I used to run a #WWIV BBS in the early 90's called Mission Control in the #Philly area. Here are hashtags I'll follow:
🌊 #BlueWave #FBR #FBPE #FBPEU #Liberal #BLM #FireCorruptPower 👮#ProChoice ♀️#HumanRights #LGTBQally 🧬 #Science #NASA #DontPanic #Ω #Beagle #Bulldog #GuineaPig #Science #SciFi #ScienceFiction #DoctorWho #StarTrek #StarWars
#computer #electronics #wwiv #philly #bluewave #fbr #fbpe #fbpeu #liberal #blm #firecorruptpower #prochoice #humanrights #lgtbqally #Science #nasa #dontpanic #ω #beagle #bulldog #guineapig #scifi #sciencefiction #doctorwho #startrek #starwars #introduction #twittermigration
Hi! I'm Cosmo. 🌞🌍🪐💫⭐🌌 Thanks to my #GeekDad, I've been a #computer and #electronics enthusiast all my life, I am following in his footsteps. My first computer was an Apple ][+. I miss the days of calling BBS's and chatting on D-Dial. I used to run a #WWIV board in the early 90's called Mission Control in the #Philadelphia area. Here are hashtags I'd love to follow:
🌊 #BlueWave #FBR #FBPE #FBPEU #Liberal #BLM #FireCorruptPower 👮#ProChoice ♀️ #BlueCrew #BlueWave2024 #HumanRights #ImmigrantsArePeopleToo #LGTBQally 🧬 #Science #NASA :blobcatspace: #DontPanic #Ω #Philly #DogsOfMastodon #Beagle #Bulldog #GuineaPig #Cavy #Science #SciFi #ScienceFiction #DoctorWho #StarTrek #StarWars #ᐰ #Stargate #BattlestarGalactica #MrRobot :2001: #2001 #GOT #HOTD #AutismDad :triforce: #VideoGamer :pacman: :pacmanblinky: :nintendo: #railroads #muppets
#philadelphia #fbpe #FBPEU #nasa #dontpanic #ω #dogsofmastodon #beagle #bulldog #WWIV #humanrights #ImmigrantsArePeopleToo #scifi #doctorwho #startrek #starwars #ᐰ #stargate #battlestargalactica #AutismDad #railroads #muppets #introduction #introductions #TwitterMigration #geekdad #computer #electronics #bluewave #fbr #liberal #blm #FireCorruptPower #prochoice #bluewave2024 #LGTBQally #science #philly #guineapig #sciencefiction #bluecrew #cavy #mrrobot #got #hotd #videogamer
Hi! I'm Cosmo. 🌞🌍🪐💫⭐🌌 I Thanks to my #GeekDad, I've been a #computer and #electronics enthusiast all my life, I am following in his footsteps. My first computer was an Apple ][+. I miss the days of calling BBS's and chatting on D-Dial. I used to run a #WWIV board in the early 90's called Mission Control in the #Philadelphia area. Here are hashtags I'd love to follow:
🌊 #BlueWave #FBR #FBPE #FBPEU #Liberal #BLM #FireCorruptPower 👮#ProChoice ♀️ #BlueCrew #BlueWave2024 #HumanRights #ImmigrantsArePeopleToo #LGTBQally 🧬 #Science #NASA :blobcatspace: #DontPanic #Ω #Philly #DogsOfMastodon #Beagle #Bulldog #GuineaPig #Cavy #Science #SciFi #ScienceFiction #DoctorWho #StarTrek #StarWars #ᐰ #Stargate #BattlestarGalactica #MrRobot :2001: #2001 #GOT #HOTD #AutismDad :triforce: #VideoGamer :pacman: :pacmanblinky: :nintendo: #railroads #muppets
#WWIV #philadelphia #liberal #bluewave2024 #dontpanic #ω #scifi #sciencefiction #mrrobot #introductions #TwitterMigration #computer #electronics #fbpe #humanrights #ImmigrantsArePeopleToo #science #nasa #ᐰ #got #geekdad #bluewave #fbr #battlestargalactica #bluecrew #LGTBQally #stargate #videogamer #FireCorruptPower #prochoice #philly #beagle #bulldog #cavy #doctorwho #startrek #starwars #hotd #AutismDad #muppets #FBPEU #blm #dogsofmastodon #guineapig #railroads #introduction
Si ο vous fascine, attendez voir ω ! #ο #ω #ohohoh #hystérieCollective #εἰμίΑΚαίΩ #voyelle #consonne #numéroComplémentaire #rasLeBol
#ο #ω #ohohoh #hystérieCollective #εἰμίΑΚαίΩ #voyelle #consonne #numéroComplémentaire #raslebol