TheTrueWhiteBrother · @Coyote
40 followers · 7021 posts · Server

Russia’s Vladimir Putin has called for a ceasefire for Orthodox Christmas

You mean said that, right? Did you pray for him to live long and prosper as Jesus commanded you to do? He is observing God in exactly the same way you observed that same exact God in WWI and WWII, so you have no reason to tell us you care.


Last updated 2 years ago

TheTrueWhiteBrother · @Coyote
41 followers · 5167 posts · Server

Jake Sullivan: US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine

The True White Brother: I have a feeling , , and will act 'decisively' against US if US decides to act 'decisively' against Russia. It's your funeral America.

#김정은 #习近平 #ВладимирПутин

Last updated 2 years ago

TheTrueWhiteBrother · @Coyote
41 followers · 5167 posts · Server

Many fleeing Russian troops near Kharkiv have exited Ukraine -U.S. official

You dumb shits! You shouldn't of helped the Ukrainians win that war because now has no choice but to drop the Bomb on them. America fucked up and will go down in history as the very immoral nation that kick-started WWIII.

PS -- Happy Halloween everybody!


Last updated 2 years ago

6 followers · 129 posts · Server

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;近平 ;華人民共和國

El futuro más venturoso para la Sociedad, el control de los mas importantes medios de producción deben de estar en manos, no de una minoría, ni tampoco bajo el control de un grupo gobernante totalitario no controlado por la base social, sino de la misma sociedad, bajo la dirección de comisiones gestoras transparentes supervisadas genuinamente por toda la Red de la Federacion de la Tierra.

#AmericanCitizens #CiudadanosEstadoUnidenses #unitedstatesofamerica #estadosunidosdeamérica #РоссийскаяФедерация #FederacióndeRusia #vladímirputin #ВладимирПутин #中 #repúblicapopularchina #習 #xijinping #NacionesEstados #ciudadana #ciudadano #planetearth #planetatierra

Last updated 3 years ago