Добраніч друзі
Добраніч друзі
For those who, ready or not, answered the call.
@oldladyplays Yes of course. Welcome to Ukraine. We will be happy for such guests))) #ГероямСлава
RT @UkraizyCanadian@twitter.com
The "Where is Ukraine" ad from 2014, created by the Ukrainian theatre company, Sakvoyag. It still gets me in the feels, even more so today. #СлаваУкраїні #ГероямСлава🇺🇦
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UkraizyCanadian/status/1608865644107427841
RT @MriyaReport@twitter.com
This is how fallen #Ukrainian 🇺🇦 #Heroes are honoured on their return home. This is also one of the reasons why #Ukraine will survive everything. Because they have the values that are most dear to ALL of us.
Eternal memory and glory to all fallen Heroes. #Героямслава!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MriyaReport/status/1599158550625800192
#ukrainian #heroes #ukraine #ГероямСлава
RT @MriyaReport
This is how fallen #Ukrainian 🇺🇦 #Heroes are honoured on their return home. This is also one of the reasons why #Ukraine will survive everything. Because they have the values that are most dear to ALL of us.
Eternal memory and glory to all fallen Heroes. #Героямслава!
#ГероямСлава #ukraine #heroes #ukrainian
Statement from the White House regarding Ukraine.
#SlavaUkraini! #СлаваУкраїні!
#ГероямСлава! #StandWithUkriane
#StandWithUkriane #ГероямСлава #славаукраїні #SlavaUkraini
RT @Marine_Ukraine@twitter.com
100 international volunteers who died for 🇺🇦. RIP and #heroiamslava #героямслава
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Marine_Ukraine/status/1592647130338168833
Ukrainian soldier's latest maneuvers after liberating Kherson. Made me chuckle. #СлаваУкраїні, #ГероямСлава.
RT @Makeiev@twitter.com
Danke lieber @tobiaslindner@twitter.com für einen freundlichen Empfang im @AuswaertigesAmt@twitter.com. Ukraine und Deutschland werden weiterhin im vertraulichen Dialog effizient an unserem gemeinsamen Sieg im Namen eines sicheren und friedlichen Europas arbeiten!
#ГероямСлава https://twitter.com/tobiaslindner/status/1590316858313703424