#Аквариум – День Серебра cd bootleg reissue version from 1994 on #Триарий
#триарий #аквариум #travelingaroundtheworldthroughthriftstorefinds
Я нашла в своём аквариуме планарий. Они выполняют в моей экосистеме важную функцию, поедая яйца улиток и тем самым контролируя их численность.
Да и вообще милые червячки, а на микрофотографии выглядят как обкуренные :blobcat:
#биоразнообразие #планария #аквариум
#аквариум concerts are something I passionately miss...
Especially this one. It was absolutely insanely amazing.
Everybody has their own #аквариум.
Mine started in 2003, consumed me all the way till 2006 and took me all the way to the pre-historic seventies.
But today I have decided to go from troubled modern times, when the band of Boris Grebentshikov is perhaps even more relevant than it was in the eighties, all the way to the year when I, as a kid, heard his works for the first time.
No matter what, no matter where, I'm always living as if it's http://aquarium.lipetsk.ru/MESTA/mp3/1990_RadioLondon/04_BestYearsOfOurLives.mp3