HOLOD 33 (1991)
Le sue immagini si imprimono nella mente dello spettatore e ricostruiscono degnamente una memoria quanto mai oggi necessaria per comprendere la storia di un popolo che ancora oggi deve lottare per esistere...
#holod33 #OlesYanchuk #famine33 #holodomor #Голодомор #Голод33 #VasilBarka #SergeyDyachenko #LesTanyuk #GalinaSulima #GeorgiyMorozyuk #AlekseyGorbunov #LeonidYanovskiy #PyotrBenyuk #ucraina #urss #ukraine #carestia #movies #movie #cinemaucraniano
#holod33 #olesyanchuk #famine33 #holodomor #голодомор #голод33 #vasilbarka #sergeydyachenko #lestanyuk #galinasulima #georgiymorozyuk #alekseygorbunov #leonidyanovskiy #pyotrbenyuk #ucraina #urss #ukraine #carestia #movies #movie #cinemaucraniano
RT @mels_moon@twitter.com
Що тоді, що зараз в усьому винна росня і мені дійсно страшно, що через 10, 20, 100 років українці забудуть, який вони гній, і почнуть будувати з ними бодай якісь відносини.
росія НІКОЛИ не була і не буде нам другом і це варто викарбувати в серцях наступних поколінь.
RT @oonuch@twitter.com
We commemorate millions who died during the Holodomor genocide against Ukrainians. #Голодомор #Holodomor means to die by hunger.
The following 🧵includes
1) info from @UWCongress@twitter.com @ukrcancongress@twitter.com
2) a list some resources
3) and a sample of key scholarship
RT @femeninna@twitter.com
Si les gens ferment les yeux sur les atrocités 🇷🇺 passées, il n'y a aucune limite à en commettre de nouvelles dans le présent et l'avenir. #Holodomor #Голодомор
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/femeninna/status/1596486183059881990
RT @oonuch: We commemorate millions who died during the Holodomor genocide against Ukrainians. #Голодомор #Holodomor means to die by hunger.
The following 🧵includes
1) info from @UWCongress @ukrcancongress
2) a list some resources
3) and a sample of key scholarship
1/20 https://t.co/Xau4xSmJP6 https://twitter.com/isadesisto/status/1596543920456237056
RT @oonuch@twitter.com
We commemorate millions who died during the Holodomor genocide against Ukrainians. #Голодомор #Holodomor means to die by hunger.
The following 🧵includes
1) info from @UWCongress@twitter.com @ukrcancongress@twitter.com
2) a list some resources
3) and a sample of key scholarship
Мені про Голодомор прабаба розповідала, як вони збирали комах, лободу та інші бур'яни щоб не померти з голоду. Вижили ті, хто зумів заховати зерно від червоних комісарів. Вони ходили по дворам і хатам з довгими штрикалками, і шукали ці таємні схованки. #Голодомор
What is the Holodomor?
The Holodomor is 1932-1933 Act of Genocide by Famine engineered by the Stalinist regime to starve a nation.
At the height of the #Holodomor ([#Голодомор] - a term derived from the Ukrainian words for hunger [holod / голод] and extermination [mor / морити] - Ukrainian men, women and children were dying at the rate of:
25,000 per day,
1,000 per hour,
17 per minute.
#UkraineRemembersTheWorldAcknowledges #WeRememberUniteAndShallOvercome
#holodomor #голодомор #ukrainerememberstheworldacknowledges #werememberuniteandshallovercome #rememberholodomor
What is the Holodomor?
The Holodomor is 1932-1933 Act of Genocide by Famine engineered by the Stalinist regime to starve a nation.
At the height of the #Holodomor ([#Голодомор] - a term derived from the Ukrainian words for hunger [holod / голод] and extermination [mor / морити] - Ukrainian men, women and children were dying at the rate of:
25,000 per day,
1,000 per hour,
17 per minute.
#UkraineRemembersTheWorldAcknowledges #WeRememberUniteAndShallOvercome
#holodomor #голодомор #ukrainerememberstheworldacknowledges #werememberuniteandshallovercome #rememberholodomor
RT @femeninna@twitter.com
Si les gens ferment les yeux sur les atrocités 🇷🇺 passées, il n'y a aucune limite à en commettre de nouvelles dans le présent et l'avenir. #Holodomor #Голодомор
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/femeninna/status/1596486183059881990
We commemorate millions who died during the Holodomor genocide against Ukrainians. #Голодомор #Holodomor means to die by hunger.
The following 🧵includes
1) info from @UWCongress@twitter.com @ukrcancongress@twitter.com
2) a list some resources
3) and a sample of key scholarship
В цей день я дякую екс-президенту Віктору Ющенку за те, що він за часів своєї каденції "носився з Голодомором", що тоді для багатьох було вкрай незрозумілим, але завдяки чому ми нині дуже чітко розуміємо, чому здатися у цій війні - взагалі не варіант.
RT @reiseberichteUA@twitter.com
In der Ukraine gedenkt man der Opfer des Holodomor, jedes Jahr, am vierten Samstag im November.
#Holodomor #Голодомор #Stalin #Terror
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/reiseberichteUA/status/1596437548385329152
#Holodomor #голодомор #Stalin #terror
Today we commemorate the Holodomor, the Soviet genocide in Ukraine. At Stalin’s orders, somewhere between 3 and 5 million Ukrainians were murdered through a deliberately engineered famine.
Moscow is once again committing mass murder in Ukraine. It is the West’s duty to give Ukrainians the aid they need to annihilate the Russian invasion force and ensure that Russia’s flag no longer flies over any part of Ukraine’s territory.
#ukraine #holodomor #голодомор
Today we commemorate the Holodomor, the Soviet genocide in Ukraine. At Stalin’s orders, somewhere between 3 and 5 million Ukrainians were murdered through a deliberately engineered famine.
Today, Moscow is once again committing mass murder in Ukraine. It is the West’s duty to give Ukrainians the aid they need to annihilate the Russian invasion force and ensure that Russia’s flag no longer flies over any part of Ukraine’s territory.
#ukraine #holodomor #голодомор
Today we commemorate the Holodomor, the Soviet genocide in Ukraine. At Stalin’s orders, somewhere between 3 and 5 million Ukrainians were murdered through a deliberately engineered famine.
Today, Moscow is once again committing mass murder in Ukraine. It is the West’s duty give Ukrainians the aid they need to annihilate the Russian invasion force and ensure that Russia’s flag no longer flies over any part of Ukraine’s territory.
#ukraine #holodomor #голодомор
Today we commemorate the Holodomor, the Soviet genocide in Ukraine. At Stalin’s orders, somewhere between 3 and 5 million Ukrainians were murdered through a deliberately engineered famine.
Today, Moscow is once again committing mass murder in Ukraine. It is the West’s duty give Ukrainians the aid they need to annihilate the Russian invasion force and ensure that the Russia’s flag no longer flies over any part of Ukraine’s territory.
#ukraine #holodomor #голодомор
As Europe approaches winter and is focused on #putin ‘s War, consider #holodomor ( #Голодомо́р ) and #holodomorremembranceday marked by the writing of Welshman Hero of Ukraine, #garethjones ( Gareth Richard Vaughan Jones ), who unequivocally told the world about the 20th century #greatfamine and Soviet #genocide in 1932-1933 #ukraine .
#ukraine #genocide #greatfamine #garethjones #holodomorremembranceday #голодомор #holodomor #putin