‘The friendly fire will continue till morale improves’ - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (allegedly) #MatushkaRossiya #МатушкаРоссия #СлаваУкраїні
#matushkarossiya #матушкароссия #славаукраїні
what is the sound of one leg kicking? [youtube video 2m23s] https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZQtE6RsZMfE #football #SlavaUkraini #СлаваУкраїні
#football #slavaukraini #славаукраїні
Amazing bullseye on this one. Threaded the needle!
#dronedrop #bullseye #UkraineWar #славаукраїні
🇺🇦 Today, Ukraine celebrates the most important state holiday - the Independence Day. #СлаваУкраїні
Q: Did you hear about the Russian missile that missed Kyiv?
A: It hit the moon!
#СлаваУкраїні #Україна #Київ #Ukraine #Russia #MoonLanding #RUD #Kyiv
#славаукраїні #україна #київ #ukraine #russia #moonlanding #rud #kyiv
Angažované dobročinné zákusky pokračují. Další 2 tisíce směr @DarPutinovi jsou na cestě a celkem jsme na 78000 Kč. #СлаваУкраїні!
to the tune of The Battle of New Orleans
[verse 1]
In 20-23 we took a little trip
along with many heroes down the mighty river Dnip'
We took a little coffee and we took a little tea
and we caught the bloody Russians in a town near Zapori'
We fired our guns and the Russians kept a-comin'
There wasn't half as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they begin to runnin'
on down the mighty river to the Gulf of Dniprovs'
#GloryToUkraine #СлаваУкраїні
Hi, welcome.
I see you are from Kyiv.
Perhaps you want to spread around some of my creations in your country 😉
Feel free to add some suitable text.
Sur les blindés de reconnaissance français AMX-10 RC offerts et livrés en mars 2023 à l'Ukraine par la France. RETEX de soldats ukrainien·ne·s l'utilisant sur le terrain et ayant été formé·e·s en France.
« L'armure a résisté à des tirs très nourris et à des frappes d'artillerie directe, on ne s'y attendait pas, mais c'est grâce à cela que nous sommes toujours là et que nous pouvons vous en parler aujourd'hui. »
Und dieser Gruß an #Putin steht auf der anderen Seite der Russ. Botschaft in #Riga.
#putinwarcriminal #UkraineWillWin #StandWithUkraine #GloryToUkraine
#putin #riga #galgen #PutinWarCriminal #UkraineWillWin #StandWithUkraine #GloryToUkraine #славаукраїні
So, when will they all be charged with Logan Act crimes?
#USPolitics #Ukraine #Russia #СлаваУкраїні
#славаукраїні #russia #Ukraine #uspolitics
Timothy Snyder:
#StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkrainii #СлаваУкраїні #TimothySnyder
#timothysnyder #славаукраїні #SlavaUkrainii #StandWithUkraine
That's nice, but waiting until after the war before admitting Ukraine as a NATO member seems a tad late. They could really use the benefits of NATO membership right now.
#NATO #Ukraine #SlavaUkraini #СлаваУкраїні
#славаукраїні #SlavaUkraini #Ukraine #nato
RT @Im_Still_Ghost@twitter.com
Hello #NAFOfellas
I'm back in a slightly modified version, birdiapp undoed me, so could the pack follow me again please?
Thank you!
#СлаваУкраїні! #ГероямCлава! 💙💛
#СмертьBорогу! #СлаваНації! 💙💛
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Im_Still_Ghost/status/1643369020568076289
#nafofellas #славаукраїні #героямcлава #смертьbорогу #славанації #seefellafollowfella
I wrote about Russia's invasion and the environmental devastation it's causing, for @Gizmodo
#Ukraine #Russia #environment #ecology #dolphins #whales #war #СлаваУкраїні
#славаукраїні #War #whales #dolphins #ecology #Environment #Russia #Ukraine
@DeniseEngle7 @tunacanschlong @fellarequests Hey @DeniseEngle7, so sorry about your extended wait time but your #FellaRequest has been answered by the #NAFO forge!
Thank you for everything you do to #StandWithUkraine, and thanks for supporting the #NAFOfellas!
#FELLAREQUEST #NAFO #StandWithUkraine #NAFOfellas #славаукраїні #героямслава #UkraineWillWin
@BS22Take2 @fellarequests @Kama_Kamilia @BrigadeNormande I almost forgot to send you this one @BS22Take2, and I also wanted to say a quick thank you to @Affenpocker for making your dress for your #Fella!
#fella #nafoexpansionisnonnegotiable #славаукраїні #героямслава #UkraineWillWin