Corbeille en feuilles de cocotier 🌴
#kurigraphy #photo #bnwphotography #picture #nature #Comoros #جزرالقمر #patrimoine #coconuttree
#kurigraphy #photo #bnwphotography #picture #nature #Comoros #جزرالقمر #patrimoine #coconuttree
Volo-volo market
📍Comoros islands
#photo #photography #streetphotography #comoros #symmetry #streetphotographer #جزرالقمر #spices #local #island
#photo #photography #streetphotography #Comoros #symmetry #streetphotographer #جزرالقمر #spices #local #island
🌴 Coconut portrait
#kurigraphy #coconut #photo #bnwphotography #comoros #monochrome #جزرالقمر #mastodart #portrait
#kurigraphy #coconut #photo #bnwphotography #Comoros #monochrome #جزرالقمر #mastodart #portrait
« La planète,
C’était un jardin.
C’est devenu un magasin.
On avait un monde à vivre.
On en a fait un monde à vendre. »
Anatole Maquaire
#nature #environment #climate #saveearth #landscape #photo #photography #comoros #جزرالقمر
#cop27 #landscapephotography
#nature #environment #climate #saveearth #landscape #photo #photography #Comoros #جزرالقمر #cop27 #landscapephotography
Fisher man
#kurigraphy #bnw #bnwphotography #seaside #Comoros #جزرالقمر #hat #coconut #qatar
#kurigraphy #bnw #bnwphotography #seaside #Comoros #جزرالقمر #hat #coconut #qatar
Streetphotography | reflection
#photo #photography #streetphotography #reflection #comores #جزرالقمر
#photo #photography #streetphotography #reflection #comores #جزرالقمر
« Le cabri fait des crottes en forme de pilules, ce n’est pas pour autant qu’il est pharmacien. »
#Photomonday #photograhy #sunset #silhouette #comoros #seaside #landscape #nature #جزرالقمر
📷 Kanayakine
#Photomonday #photograhy #sunset #silhouette #Comoros #seaside #landscape #nature #جزرالقمر
🌴 Kurigraphy
Case faite de feuilles de cocotiers tressées
#kurigraphy #coconut #photo #bnw #coconutstory #nature #coconuttree #monochrome #patrimoine #bnwphotography #comores #comoros #جزرالقمر
#kurigraphy #coconut #photo #bnw #coconutstory #nature #coconuttree #monochrome #patrimoine #bnwphotography #comores #Comoros #جزرالقمر
« La forêt était en train de disparaître, mais les arbres votèrent encore pour la hache, parce que la hache était rusée et elle les avait convaincus que, puisqu'elle avait le manche en bois, elle était de leur côté. »
#nature #photography #landscape #environment #forêt #comores
#island #protectnature #savenature #photo #photographer #جزرالقمر
📷 Kanayakine
#nature #photography #landscape #environment #forêt #comores #island #ProtectNature #savenature #photo #photographer #جزرالقمر
« There is no day that goes without the moon and no day that goes without sunrise and sunset »
#landscape #landscape_photography #sunset #environnement #cloud #photography #comores #جزرالقمر #silhouette #island
#landscape #landscape_photography #sunset #environnement #cloud #photography #comores #جزرالقمر #silhouette #island
À l’ombre
#kurigraphy #bnw #bnwphotography #nature #kanayakineproject #patrimoine #comores #Comoros #fineart #جزرالقمر
#kurigraphy #bnw #bnwphotography #nature #kanayakineproject #patrimoine #comores #Comoros #fineart #جزرالقمر
#streetphotography #sunlight #patrimoine #streetphotographer #comores #جزرالقمر #photography #photo
#streetphotography #sunlight #patrimoine #streetphotographer #comores #جزرالقمر #photography #photo