Good Morning, afternoon, evening night depending on what part of the world you are. Have a wonderful day.... And yes, don't worry about my India क्योंकि #भारत_राम_भरोसे
BJP leaders had already declared begging as business worth 20 thousand crore, and now that business will flourish.
Incompetent government has ruined the economy and with #NEP2020 talent drain will happen for sure. No worries, we have a new temple....
India needs good educational institutes, world class medical facilities at affordable costs, and this government is gifting us statues and temples.
The new national education policy is a long due agenda of RSS to push India 50 years back. If this policy is implemented, this will cause irrecoverable loss to India.
Kind of testing data for #COVID19 is available is clear evidence that this government is doing no where near the sufficient testing.
Use and through.... considers Advani as toilet paper.
भगवान राम मन मे होते है, आचरण मे होते है, दिखावे मे नहीं,
स्वर्गीय राजीव गांधी ने ये अपने कार्यो से साबित भी किया था।
आज जो भगवान राम का राजनीतिकरण हो रहा है, वो न तो किसी भी रामभक्त को स्वीकार है ना ही भगवान राम को। #भारत_राम_भरोसे