🌷 Another photo essay from Jain monuments 🌷
These 2 are from #Pudhukkottai – An ASI-protected tourist spot & a remnant of a destroyed Jain school in a quarry!
Pls do give it a read, share & support ☕️
@buymeacoffee@twitter.com | #புதுக்கோட்டை | #Jainism | #சமணம்
#சமணம் #jainism #புதுக்கோட்டை #Pudhukkottai
🌷 A photo story from Jain schools 🌷
These schools had 2,000 y old rock-cut sculptures, remnants of painting, Tamizhi inscriptions & a peaceful atmosphere.
Pls do give it a read, share & support ☕️
@buymeacoffee@twitter.com | #Madurai | #மதுரை | #Jainism | #சமணம்
#சமணம் #jainism #மதுரை #Madurai