Well that didn't take long! JR West has now announced that Mobile ICOCA will launch on Osaifu-Keitai Android devices on March 22. If the rollout is similar to Mobile PASMO, Apple Pay support will come a few months later.
Ata Distance (Kanjo from Twitter) has a good write up: https://atadistance.net/2023/02/22/jr-west-announces-mobile-icoca/
Official site: https://www.jr-odekake.net/icoca/mobileicoca/about/
#icoca #mobileicoca #osaifukeitai #モバイルicoca #イコカ #おサイフケータイ
It seems like the launch of mobile ICOCA (i.e. ICOCA in Osaifu-Keitai and Apple Wallet) is maybe only a couple of months away now? 🤔
It was due to be launched in the spring and according to people on Twitter there are signs it's getting closer.
#icoca #mobileicoca #osaifukeitai #モバイルicoca #イコカ #おサイフケータイ
Apple Pay登場!iPhoneでSuicaをチャージ!?お財布iPhone始まる!
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