#M・A・O and Hubiku Yamamura in My Master has no Tail BD Box Event (02.19)
#漫画全巻 #m・a・o #maoichimichi #市道真央 #うちの師匠はしっぽがない #山村響 #しっぽな #秋アニメ #秋葉原和堂
#m・a・o #漫画全巻 #maoichimichi #市道真央 #うちの師匠はしっぽがない #山村響 #しっぽな #秋アニメ #秋葉原和堂
Uchi no Shishou wa Shippo ga Nai – Final Review
Tags: #Reviews #UchinoMaidgaUzasugiru #comedy #fantasy #finalimpresions #しっぽな
#reviews #uchinomaidgauzasugiru #comedy #fantasy #finalimpresions #しっぽな
うちの師匠はしっぽがない 第13話 を見ました https://annict.com/@rinsuki/records/4522898?utm_campaign=rinsuki&utm_medium=episode_record_share&utm_source=twitter #しっぽな #annict_rinsuki
うちの師匠はしっぽがない #13 「全部師匠が教えてくれた」を見ました http://animetick.net/ticket/6459/13 #しっぽな
うちの師匠はしっぽがない #12 「君が面白くちゃ意味がない」を見ました http://animetick.net/ticket/6459/12 #しっぽな
うちの師匠はしっぽがない #11 「オレの芸、お前で終わらせてくれよな」を見ました http://animetick.net/ticket/6459/11 #しっぽな
Overall, it's nice to see the promise Bunko's master finally resolved. He simply wants her to find her own path in regards to Rakugo.
Overall, it's an interesting show, but the surprising part is that Bunko is a fox. While subtle, Bunko is referred to as a vixen, which gives a clue who she is. Still, it's obvious that Mameda and Bunko are destined for each other given their similar experiences with humans.
Mameda faces the next four heavenly kings, Enshi Kirno. She needed to tell a story perfectly. However, it seems that she collapsed half way from preparing for three days, but she still passed for the effort.
The 11th episode is more interesting since it focuses on Bunko's past. The more interesting part is that Bunko was a vengeful fox spirit. Maybe it's why she took in Mameda since she can relate to her after going though what happened.
うちの師匠はしっぽがない 第12話 を見ました https://annict.com/@rinsuki/records/4495199?utm_campaign=rinsuki&utm_medium=episode_record_share&utm_source=twitter #しっぽな #annict_rinsuki
Finally catching up to this, about four episodes behind.
Apparently, Maeda gets expelled because of the order Bunko had not allowed to have an apprentice. Now, Maeda has to show her skills against the four heavenly kings to change this.
Wait, this sounds like something from Pokemon, except with Rakugo. Also, funny to see Bunko talking to herself, she really misses having Maeda around, which is funny.
Dang, this season's got everything - Rakugo Shinju's Yakumo is back, if only briefly! #しっぽな #うちの師匠はしっぽがない #My Master Has No Tail
うちの師匠はしっぽがない 第11話 を見ました https://annict.com/@rinsuki/records/4471293?utm_campaign=rinsuki&utm_medium=episode_record_share&utm_source=twitter #しっぽな #annict_rinsuki
#M・A・O and Hibiki Yamamura in "My master has no tail" Akihabara Wado collaboration event! (22.12.10)
#漫画全巻 #m・a・o #maoichimichi #市道真央 #うちの師匠はしっぽがない #山村響 #しっぽな #秋アニメ #秋葉原和堂
#うちの師匠はしっぽがない #山村響 #しっぽな #秋アニメ #秋葉原和堂 #m #漫画全巻 #maoichimichi #市道真央
うちの師匠はしっぽがない #10 「何でアテはあかんのか」を見ました http://animetick.net/ticket/6459/10 #しっぽな
うちの師匠はしっぽがない #9 「師匠じゃなきゃ意味ないんだ」を見ました http://animetick.net/ticket/6459/9 #しっぽな
うちの師匠はしっぽがない #8 「正気やったら芸人やってへんねん」を見ました http://animetick.net/ticket/6459/8 #しっぽな
うちの師匠はしっぽがない 第10話 を見ました https://annict.com/@rinsuki/records/4459023?utm_campaign=rinsuki&utm_medium=episode_record_share&utm_source=twitter #しっぽな #annict_rinsuki