This is a clip of Fightcade Matches for Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf Achse uploaded by Flycast Replays on YouTube. It's between American Player KombatJunker410 and Brazilian Player El Zix.
#AkatsukiBlitzkampfAusfAchse #アカツキ電光戦記AusfAchse #SUBTLESTYLE #FightingGames #Fightcade
#AkatsukiBlitzkampfAusfAchse #アカツキ電光戦記AusfAchse #SUBTLESTYLE #fightinggames #Fightcade
RT @LarsKusanagi
To those who live outside Japan & wants to help funding #EN1PWA #エンアイン完全世界Anastasis
Go to unofficial crowdfund transfer provided by @shiburizu 10 days left before June 1, better hustle:
#bbtag #uniclr #アカツキ電光戦記AusfAchse #ABKAA #エンアイン完全世界Anastasis #EN1PWA