EdLynchBell · @EdLynchBell
137 followers · 82 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Time for an .

Hi I’m Ed a blow in from living in country (colonised as ). Long time geek, specialising in but now building out a 100% charging network with Evie Networks.

, I haven’t owned a car since 2006, passionate about . Streets are for people not storing rapidly depreciating, rusting lumps of metal.

I speak English, French, German and Japanese and Italian at highly variable levels of proficiency.

nerd, and I occasionally.

orchard on my roof. Mess around making with

エドと申します。  の  で住んでいます。 オタクです。

#Introduction #london #naarm #wurundjeri #melbourne #australia #energy #battery #energystorage #renewablenergy #ev #cyclist #publictransport #activetransport #Sharedmobility #sake #homebrew #citrus #Abbotsford #electronicmusic #syntheizers #自己紹介 #イギリス人ですけど #オーストラリア #メルボルン #日本酒

Last updated 2 years ago