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Я · @toabyss
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Last updated 3 years ago

Я · @toabyss
21 followers · 353 posts · Server bgme.me

Batalov loves to talk about how everything in life is connected, that life's plots are much more twisted than any screenwriter can imagine. At least the life of Batalov himself testifies to this. It so happened that the "path to life" gave him Anna Akhmatova. When a young man graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School and was accepted into the Mkhatov troupe, Anna Akhmatova chose a moment that no one around and handed him money, quite a decent amount for those days. "Buy yourself some decent clothes, you're going to serve in the Moscow Art Theater now." Back then, art was still being served. Batalov did not refuse money, but lied - instead of clothes bought a second-hand Moskvich. Many years later, in this "Moskvich", he raced from Simferopol to Moscow to Mikhail Romm, when he learned that he does not want to take Batalov on the role of Gusev in the film "Nine Days of One Year. 【"I need another actor - Romm argued - more emotional, expressive, and Batalov - he is some kind of frozen appearance. "】Hastening to Moscow, not even stopping at home, Batalov rushed to the "Mosfilm" to Romm. And heartfelt, tough, intelligent, impetuous, as it can, perhaps, only he knows, said: "I really want to be in your film." This was said in such a tone that Romm could not refuse. For Batalov, the role of physicist Gusev was literally a landmark, and for national cinema the film "Nine Days of One Year" became - A classic.

#一年中的九天 #阿列克谢·巴塔洛夫

Last updated 3 years ago

Я · @toabyss
21 followers · 353 posts · Server bgme.me

- Next. The film "Lady with the Little Dog" is 45 years old. In my opinion, it's the most successful film adaptation of Chekhov in world cinema.
- After that, it was very difficult for me to work with anyone else. Heifetz spoiled me a lot. For two years I sat next to him day and night, read all Chekhov's notes, knew, it seems, everything. Told Heifetz how I see the picture, Gurov. He was interested, he listened. If he didn't agree, he let himself be persuaded. As a result, we began to understand everything in exactly the same way, and that was a tremendous blessing. He believed me when I brought him Iya Savvina, non-professional actress, a student of journalism at Moscow State University. I saw her in amateur theater, no one known, and convinced Heifetz that this is the same heroine. I was lucky to work with wonderful people. Mikhail Romm was an amazing man!

- They say he didn't want you for the role of physicist Gusev in "Nine Days of One Year".
- I didn't know that. I was in hospital then. But then I got a letter from Romm, and I came for an audition. Romm promised the doctors that he wouldn't make me work more than a few hours a day. He said that he would take long breaks. And, by the way, he kept his promise. When we were shooting, Romm kept scolding me for not being interested in nuclear physics. It annoyed him a lot. He knew it himself, that's why all the physicists and academicians adored him. By the way, he was also a sculptor and drew well.



#一年中的九天 #米哈伊尔·罗姆 #阿列克谢·巴塔洛夫

Last updated 3 years ago

Я · @toabyss
21 followers · 353 posts · Server bgme.me

Before the event began, the president-elect and the governors were shown the holy of holies: the Nuclear Reaction Laboratory. The authorities showed the most genuine interest in the "world of atoms. "We are shown invisible particles that live a fraction of a second!" - enthused Governor Zelenin of the Tver Region. The governors argued passionately about whether a nanometer was "ten to the ninth or ten to the twelfth degree"? Nuclear physicists learned to dialogue with the authorities back in Soviet times, so there was no distance in communication. The front door of the laboratory was decorated with the slogan: "It is necessary to explain to the important authorities a scientific problem not as it is correct, but as it will be understood by him. This is a lie for the greater good. Laboratory managers did not tell what is called on the fingers about the differences between synchrophasotron and synchrocyclotron. Instead, the distinguished guests were told that this is where scenes of a popular film "Nine Days of One Year" directed by Mikhail Romm were filmed. Then they showed a small workshop for the production of membrane filters for water purification. All the devices, despite their impressive size, were hidden behind powerful concrete slabs. "This is protection," the academics explained, smiling. - It helps us work and prevents you from seeing." Then Medvedev was taken to the bank of the Volga - to show how the construction of the Dubna Special Economic Zone was going. The objects under construction were located on the other bank of the river, so the president-elect had to content himself not with the zone itself, but only with its model.


Last updated 3 years ago

Я · @toabyss
21 followers · 353 posts · Server bgme.me

克:坦白地说, 我们这一代电影学院毕业生对《一年中的九天》持相当批判的态度。起初, 在开拍之前很久, 罗姆就给我们朗读了剧本, 他坐在台上从头到尾读完。他希望知道我们的反应 。我们却很胆怯, 不敢发表意见 。我当时坐在第三排或是第四排, 清楚地看见罗姆的眼神:他望着我们, 期待着……有一个人说 :“或许, 在表现物理学家的那段戏里, 应该表现一点农村的故事 。”又有一个人提到斯莫克图诺夫斯基后来扮演的那个角色, 说:“这人看起来有点玩世不恭 。”罗姆说 :“不, 不是玩世不恭 。我是按照爱森斯坦的某些说话习惯来创造这个角色的。他说话时做出一副像是在开玩笑的样子, 但其实是很认真的。”事情就此结束, 真正的讨论根本没有展开 。他希望听到我们的意见, 我们却到底也没明白他这个剧本究竟要表现什么。
后来他拍完了片子, 放给我们看 。看完影片一片沉默 。最后终于有人说 :“有几场戏很有意思, 斯莫克图诺夫斯基的表演也很出色 ……成功的地方也不少……但整部影片却很生硬、牵强 。”这就是电影学院的反应。尽管对于罗姆来说, 这确实是前进了一步 。而在我们看来, 却是很不够的。


#一年中的九天 #米哈伊尔·罗姆 #纳乌姆·克莱依曼

Last updated 3 years ago

Я · @toabyss
21 followers · 353 posts · Server bgme.me

- What's going to happen next, anyway? <...> The main thing depends on what kind of people will be in this film. Yes, there was "Ten Steps to the East", but now I want to make an eleventh - to a human being. With "Nine Days of One Year", I just started thinking about it. How to shoot, in which direction to search for the only task: to reveal the deep and complex world of a person's feelings and thoughts - these are the most important things for me, the most interesting.

#一年中的九天 #格尔曼·拉夫罗夫

Last updated 3 years ago

Я · @toabyss
21 followers · 353 posts · Server bgme.me


《苏联电影文集 第2辑》

#格尔曼·拉夫罗夫 #一年中的九天 #米哈伊尔·罗姆

Last updated 3 years ago

Я · @toabyss
21 followers · 353 posts · Server bgme.me
Я · @toabyss
21 followers · 353 posts · Server bgme.me

It would be difficult to overestimate the importance of the fact that instead of B. Volchek, Romm's permanent cameraman, this time his film was directed by the young G. Lavrov. It is under his hand that the balanced and somewhat closed white Rommov shots have been replaced by unstable, alarming, although still unusually sharp and contrasting compositions. Violated in at least one thing, the complex and orderly director's system began to change rapidly. The changes that began with drama captured absolutely all elements of the picture.

For example, at one of the climaxing dramatic moments of the film, when the already terminally ill Gusev gets out of bed and goes to the laboratory, instead of a face distorted by suffering (which would be easier to assume), a general plan appears on the screen: the figure of a man walking with a firm step by endless white wall.

Neya Zorkaya about the work of Mikhail Romm

#一年中的九天 #格尔曼·拉夫罗夫 #米哈伊尔·罗姆

Last updated 4 years ago