[These churches] not only seemed to tolerate anti-intellectualism as whites tolerate racism; but they…often promoted it. It was as if the less one knew and the louder one shouted Jesus’ name, the closer one was to God.
James Cone #上推讀書
In individualism…there is to be found at work a tendency to suppress the other, who is made the mere means to an end, or reduced to an impediment. Individualism is a non-relational creed, because it teaches that I do not need my neighbour in order to be myself.
Gunton #上推讀書
In the metaphysics of eighteenth century deism, God himself was re- moved from the world and reduced to a neutral instance vis-à-vis the struggles and antagonisms of real life. As Hamann argued against Kant, he became a concept and ceased to be an essence.
Schmitt #上推讀書
One cannot speak in the name of madness without speaking as the mad do. Otherwise, one speaks for them in the language of reason. One continues the monologue rather than establishing a dialogue.
The culture industry imposed its contents on the people. Folk culture, in a broad sense, expressed the lived experience of its people, their loves, hates, sadnesses, rebellions and resistances, but when this (music) is mediated through the culture industry, it becomes something else – a commodity. Marcuse (1970: 115) noted with regard to black music that the ‘crying and shouting, the jumping and playing’, which once expressed a life, now is consumed as an emotional performance.
For the Greeks, God was the conclusion of an argument, the end of a search for an ultimate explanation, an inference from the structure of the universe to a first cause. For [Christians], God was the starting point, and Christ the icon that displays the face of God.
I have sought you and desired to see intellectually what I have believed, & I have argued much and toiled much. O Lord my God, my one hope, listen to me lest out of weariness I should stop wanting to seek you, but let me seek your face always, and with ardour.
Augustine #上推讀書
But our confidence rests not on objectivity but rather on the convictional power of the Holy Spirit.
J. K. A. Smith
#swinburne #analyticphilosophy #上推讀書 #certaintyoffaith
Covenants, without the Sword, are but Words, and of no Strength to secure a man at all.
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
The Christological difficulty with this [Augustinian] privileging of mind over body lies with its implications for the [Incarnation]; for if our human object is to flee from bodiliness and temporality, then why did God embrace both states in becoming man?
Soskice #上推讀書
‘There is no such thing as a Christian philosophy; that is an absolute “square circle”’
Heidegger, Phenomenology and Theology
[Aquinas] The cross, the instrument of state-sanctioned murder, has become the sign of Christ’s “universal dominion over all things”, a sign of the power of God’s truth by which all earthly polities will be judged.
#truthisstrongerthankings #上推讀書
"But their mistake is..they seek a reason for things for which no reason can be given."
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main....any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.
John Donne #上推讀書
(Badiou:) 在知識消失的地方,真理就出現了…(保羅說)十字架的道理,在那滅亡的人看為愚拙,但在得救的人眼𥚃,卻為上帝的大能…基督論述是一革命者的論述、一種新發現的語言,顛覆甚至廢除了先前及現存的一切論述,以「愚拙的、被人厭惡的、軟弱的替代了認識、理性、秩序和強力」
駱頴佳 #上推讀書
(Badiou:) 在知識消失的地方,真理就出現了…(保羅說)十字架的道理,在那滅亡的人看為愚拙,但在得救的人眼𥚃,卻為上帝的大能…基督論述是一革命者的論述、一種新發現的語言,顛覆甚至廢除了先前及現存的一切論述,以「愚拙的、被人厭惡的、軟弱的替代了認識、理性、秩序和強力」
駱頴佳 #上推讀書
What we believe in…is not merely God but ‘‘God as Father,’’ and not merely in Christ but in ‘‘Christ as son of God.’’ If God is Father, not only creator, and Christ is Son, not only redeemer, then the relation between them is an essential feature of the divine life.
The joys, hopes, griefs, anxieties of those who are afflicted are also the joys, hopes, griefs, anxieties of Christ's followers.
Gaudium et Spes
Do not waste your time being scared. Fear can make you run away from things that could be good, great, even. Things that are supposed to be part of your story.
Why is philosophy so complicated? It ought to be entirely simple. Philosophy unties the knots in our thinking that we have, in a senseless way…The complexity of philosophy is not a complexity of its subject matter, but of our knotted understanding.