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2023-01-17 weibo.com/5235562548/MoKDn3va3

又收到了五台由 捐赠的移动电源。
我们感谢热爱和平的中国朋友们的又一批援助,也感谢组织筹款活动的@马聪185 先生。送交这些设备之后,马聪先生又开展了一次 活动,共募集57032元人民币,并为乌克兰购买了19台移动电源。你们捐赠的设备正是乌克兰所急需的物资。 你们的正义善举会被 人民铭记!

#乌克兰驻华大使馆 #中华人民共和国 #公民 #慈善募捐 #乌克兰 #中乌友谊 #中乌合作 #支持乌克兰 #乌克兰加油 #乌克兰必胜 #正义必胜 #乌克兰局势 #俄乌局势 #俄乌战争 #俄乌冲突 #俄罗斯侵略乌克兰 #俄罗斯恐怖主义 #俄罗斯对乌克兰基础设备发动导弹袭击 #俄罗斯发动袭击

Last updated 2 years ago

"There are concerns they could spread coronavirus internationally as infections surge in the country.

"Japan, India and Taiwan have responded by requiring virus tests for travellers from the country.

"US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Washington is considering taking similar steps."


#china #COVID19 #covid #Coronavirus #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #疫情 #新冠病毒

Last updated 2 years ago

“Despite widespread reports that funeral homes and crematoriums are struggling to cope with a surge in demand, ’s official death numbers have not spiked, with no new fatalities reported for 21 December and only seven deaths reported since the government announced on 8 December that zero-Covid restrictions would be removed.”


#china #covid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #lockdown #中國 #中国 #中華人民共和國 #中华人民共和国 #covidzero #zerocovid

Last updated 2 years ago

Returning overseas Chinese "are surprised to find out how fast the virus is spreading".

Also being reported: "fresh protests have erupted among medical students demanding "better pay" and protection on China's front line".


#china #covid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #lockdown #pandemic #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #新冠肺炎

Last updated 2 years ago

"The Chinese president is “unwilling to take a better vaccine from the West, and is instead relying on a vaccine in China that’s just not nearly as effective against Omicron”, the US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said."

Vaccine nationalism at its ugliest.


#china #chinaprotests #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #covidzero #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国

Last updated 2 years ago

It's been reported that Li Kangmeng, a student from the Institute of Communication, has been arrested on 1 December and has since become incommunicado.

She held up a piece of white paper and when it was taken away from her, she maintained the same pose striking an even more powerful image.

#nanjing #china #chinaprotests #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #南京

Last updated 2 years ago

"State media said he had died just after 12:00 local time (04:00 GMT), in Shanghai, on Wednesday.
"His death comes as sees some of its most serious protests since Tiananmen, with many demonstrating against Covid restrictions.

"A Chinese Communist Party statement said he died of leukaemia and multiple organ failure."


#china #communistparty #ccp #cpc #jiangzemin #江澤民 #江泽民 #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国

Last updated 2 years ago

In the face of growing discontent from citizens, ’s government is again resorting to “whataboutism” to deflect from the real issue of what is going on.

Tweet via China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson .

#china #huachunying #communistparty #ccp #cpc #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #chinaprotests #白紙革命 #白紙運動 #白纸革命 #白纸运动

Last updated 2 years ago

"As police in launched a show of force in an attempt to contain the highest levels of civil disobedience seen in decades, the prime minister threw his support behind protesters by condemning ’s crackdown, as well as the assault on a BBC journalist."


#china #beijing #covid #COVID19 #communistparty #ccp #cpc #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #英國 #英国 #chinaprotests

Last updated 2 years ago

's has more often than not claim that disgruntlement with the Chinese Government is being stoked up by foreign forces.

Here, protesters call Marx and Lenin foreign forces, saying they're here as domestic forces won't let them govern themselves.

Original Chinese video via @FengYan_FengYu@twitter.com.

#china #communistparty #ccp #cpc #covid #COVID19 #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #chinaprotests #白紙革命 #白紙運動 #白纸革命 #白纸运动

Last updated 2 years ago

In a video from the BBC asking Chinese people why they are protesting against 's , the answer is clear, "It's our duty."

#china #communistparty #covid #COVID19 #ccp #cpc #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国

Last updated 2 years ago

Workers in , , taking away road sign for Wulumuqi Road (Central), where protests took place against the 's policy.

Wulumuqi is Chinese for , where people had died in a fire where it is thought people were prevented from escaping due to lockdown.

Image via @shanghaiobserved@instagram.com.

#shanghai #china #communistparty #covidzero #lockdown #urumqi #ccp #cpc #covid #COVID19 #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #烏魯木齊 #乌鲁木齐 #新疆 #上海

Last updated 2 years ago

Video via @XinqiSu@twitter.com showing students gathered at the Chinese University Hong Kong campus holding up blank pieces of paper.

Posted at 11.28 GMT (19.28, Hong Kong time).

#cuhk #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #communistparty #ccp #cpc #中华人民共和国 #中国 #中華人民共和國 #中國 #香港

Last updated 2 years ago