,這場重塑全球版圖的浩劫,見證了帝國的興衰和全球大國的重新排列。 最重要的結果之一是新國家和政治實體的崛起。其中之一就是 。但中華人民共和國真的是第二次世界大戰的勝利者嗎?讓我們深入探討這個引人入勝的問題。

🔗 s.mur.tw/euGJ

#第二次世界大戰 #戰爭 #中華人民共和國 #chatgpt #bard

Last updated 1 year ago

在2023年3月26日的清晨, 斷交,這是自 於2016年執政以來,第九個宣布與中華民國斷交的國家。中華民國外交部長吳釗燮並未因此下台,相反地,他計劃推出「 」的外交策略,這並不排除國家同時與中華民國和 建立外交關係的可能性。然而,目前中華人民共和國並不允許與其正式建立外交關係的國家,同時與中華民國建立關係,強調這是「 」的核心。

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🔗 eatnews.net/article-1/20230326

#中華民國 #宏都拉斯 #民主進步黨 #兩個中國 #中華人民共和國 #一個中國原則 #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

2023年3月26日台北時間上午, 外交部發表聲明表示,根據總統的指示,宏都拉斯共和國政府已通知 決定斷絕兩國間的外交關係。宏都拉斯政府承認世界上只有 政府是代表全中國的唯一合法政府。台灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,從此日期起,宏都拉斯政府已向台灣傳達終止外交關係,承諾未來不與台灣建立任何官方關係或接觸。

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🔗 eatnews.net/article-1/20230326

#宏都拉斯 #台灣 #一個中國 #中華人民共和國 #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

成功連任 和中央軍委主席,象徵著他的第三任期正式開始。他已經連任了中國共產黨總書記和中央軍委主席,現在又完成了國家主席的連任。他的第三任期被認為是鄧小平之後中共集體領導體制的終結,也可能標志著中共歷史上「強人政治」正式回歸。與此同時, 要提出恢覆兩岸航空客運的規劃,並將盡可能考慮中方提出的恢覆航點的前提條件,展現我方最大善意。恢覆兩岸空運客運航點的最重要考量,聲稱是回歸到民眾的需求。

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🔗 eatnews.net/article-1/20230310

#習近平 #中華人民共和國 #國家主席 #中華民國總統 #蔡英文 #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

"There are concerns they could spread coronavirus internationally as infections surge in the country.

"Japan, India and Taiwan have responded by requiring virus tests for travellers from the country.

"US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Washington is considering taking similar steps."


#china #COVID19 #covid #Coronavirus #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #疫情 #新冠病毒

Last updated 2 years ago

“Despite widespread reports that funeral homes and crematoriums are struggling to cope with a surge in demand, ’s official death numbers have not spiked, with no new fatalities reported for 21 December and only seven deaths reported since the government announced on 8 December that zero-Covid restrictions would be removed.”


#china #covid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #lockdown #中國 #中国 #中華人民共和國 #中华人民共和国 #covidzero #zerocovid

Last updated 2 years ago

Returning overseas Chinese "are surprised to find out how fast the virus is spreading".

Also being reported: "fresh protests have erupted among medical students demanding "better pay" and protection on China's front line".


#china #covid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #lockdown #pandemic #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #新冠肺炎

Last updated 2 years ago

"The Chinese president is “unwilling to take a better vaccine from the West, and is instead relying on a vaccine in China that’s just not nearly as effective against Omicron”, the US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said."

Vaccine nationalism at its ugliest.


#china #chinaprotests #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #covidzero #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国

Last updated 2 years ago

It's been reported that Li Kangmeng, a student from the Institute of Communication, has been arrested on 1 December and has since become incommunicado.

She held up a piece of white paper and when it was taken away from her, she maintained the same pose striking an even more powerful image.

#nanjing #china #chinaprotests #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #南京

Last updated 2 years ago

"State media said he had died just after 12:00 local time (04:00 GMT), in Shanghai, on Wednesday.
"His death comes as sees some of its most serious protests since Tiananmen, with many demonstrating against Covid restrictions.

"A Chinese Communist Party statement said he died of leukaemia and multiple organ failure."


#china #communistparty #ccp #cpc #jiangzemin #江澤民 #江泽民 #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国

Last updated 2 years ago

In the face of growing discontent from citizens, ’s government is again resorting to “whataboutism” to deflect from the real issue of what is going on.

Tweet via China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson .

#china #huachunying #communistparty #ccp #cpc #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #chinaprotests #白紙革命 #白紙運動 #白纸革命 #白纸运动

Last updated 2 years ago

"As police in launched a show of force in an attempt to contain the highest levels of civil disobedience seen in decades, the prime minister threw his support behind protesters by condemning ’s crackdown, as well as the assault on a BBC journalist."


#china #beijing #covid #COVID19 #communistparty #ccp #cpc #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #英國 #英国 #chinaprotests

Last updated 2 years ago

's has more often than not claim that disgruntlement with the Chinese Government is being stoked up by foreign forces.

Here, protesters call Marx and Lenin foreign forces, saying they're here as domestic forces won't let them govern themselves.

Original Chinese video via @FengYan_FengYu@twitter.com.

#china #communistparty #ccp #cpc #covid #COVID19 #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #chinaprotests #白紙革命 #白紙運動 #白纸革命 #白纸运动

Last updated 2 years ago