Even Partybots have limits.
#partybot #partybot3000 #robot #scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #comic #party #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #機器人 #派對 #聯歡 #漫畫 #連環圖
#partybot #partybot3000 #robot #scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #comic #party #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #機器人 #派對 #聯歡 #漫畫 #連環圖
This one is for all the sad-looking forgotten bananas left at the bottom of fruit bowls around the world.❤️
(Practicing drawing small. Glasses for size comparison.)
#banana #fruitbowl #bananabread #drawing #microdrawing #random #art #felttip #香蕉 #水果碗 #香蕉麵包 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂
#banana #fruitbowl #bananabread #drawing #microdrawing #random #art #felttip #香蕉 #水果碗 #香蕉麵包 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂
I actually had intended this to be cute but instead it came out more threatening. 🤣
Anyway, Frog Chef. Enjoy! 😝❤️
#frog #chef #frogchef #cute #threatening #drawing #art #doodle #random #青蛙 #廚師 #青蛙廚師 #可愛 #逼人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂
#frog #chef #frogchef #cute #threatening #drawing #art #doodle #random #青蛙 #廚師 #青蛙廚師 #可愛 #逼人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂
One of the most successful and popular Terran cultural exports in the galaxy is martial arts. Research done by 精武體育會 The Jing Wu Athletic Association indicates that an estimated 50 billion people across the galaxy practice and participate in at least one Terran martial art, in varying degrees. However the UGMAA (Union of Galactic Martial Arts Associations) claims the number might be much higher at around 60 billion, if including Terran adaptions of extraterrestrial martial arts such as Nyoongar Qüjmananax (Srereqaxese wrestling)
Pictured: 暗殺拳 Ansatsuken practitioner Ghōrun Qaxār teaching a children's class at Sammo Hung Memorial Park in 新臺山 New Toisan.
#theterrans #terrans #scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #scene #kungfu #martialarts #ansatsuken #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #科幻 #功夫 #武術 #暗殺拳
#theterrans #terrans #scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #scene #kungfu #martialarts #ansatsuken #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #功夫 #武術 #暗殺拳
Been surrounded by a lot of calligraphy lately at Grandma's and it has inspired me to get back into it myself.
Just sharing some little experiments and logo designs.
1) Words by Sījié with a cursive version of 字 zì "character/word'
2) The piece with 茶 chá "tea", the way the character turned out made me think of a grumpy bearded old man with bushy brows, so I ended up drawing one next to it. 😃
3) 橙 chéng "orange" in the shape of well, an orange. 🍊
4) 心 xīn "heart", one of my favourite characters to practice Cursive/One stroke writing.
#calligraphy #chinesecalligraphy #font #experimental #art #random #hanzi #books #words #tea #red #orange #書 #书 #書法 #書道 #字 #茶 #心 #紅 #藝術 #亂
#calligraphy #chinesecalligraphy #font #experimental #art #random #hanzi #books #words #tea #red #orange #書 #书 #書法 #書道 #字 #茶 #心 #紅 #藝術 #亂
6 lovable misfits trying to find their way in the Big Smoke.
Thursdays 7:30PM Boorloo Standard Time
#scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #citystreet #scene #misfits #flatmates #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #套房 #同屋主
#scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #citystreet #scene #misfits #flatmates #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #套房 #同屋主
Did some random calligraphy doodling and came up with cursed logos. Logos for what, I don't know? Maybe something made with local grapes or purple sweet potatoes. 😝
Which one do you reckon is more cursed? Purpth or Perthple? Or my attempt at a Gothic style 紫, the Chinese character for Purple?
#purple #purpth #perthple #cursed #boredom #random #doodling #calligraphy #gothicletters #hanzi #紫色 #亂 #書道 #書法 #漢字 #解悶
#purple #purpth #perthple #cursed #boredom #random #doodling #calligraphy #gothicletters #hanzi #紫色 #亂 #書道 #書法 #漢字 #解悶
"Small Hips, BIG HEART"
Did a little mock promo poster for a film set in my Space Opera. Why small hips?
1) The alien in the poster is small and 2) In the game of Ulama, the game ball can only be struck with the hips
Ulama is a very real and ancient game. It's very impressive to watch.
#ulama #galacticcup #mesoamericanballgame #movieposter #sportsmovie #basedonatruestory #25thcentury #alien #spaceopera #scifi #random #drawing #sketch #海報 #外星人
#電影 #運動 #科幻 #亂 #畫畫 #藝術
#ulama #galacticcup #mesoamericanballgame #movieposter #sportsmovie #basedonatruestory #25thcentury #alien #spaceopera #scifi #random #drawing #sketch #海報 #外星人 #電影 #運動 #科幻 #亂 #畫畫 #藝術
Another masterpiece completed. 😂❤️ This is genuinely a new favourite though. I surprised myself with how this turned out. 😂
"Fancy Boy Mixes Up A Cocktail" by Sijie Liang, 15/03/2023
What is the cocktail specifically? I'll leave that for your imagination. 😉
#drawing #sketch #dailychallenge #personalchallenge #random #art #goldenretriever #dog #bartender #bar #cocktail #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #金毛犬 #犬 #狗 #酒保 #酒家 #調酒
#drawing #sketch #dailychallenge #personalchallenge #random #art #goldenretriever #dog #bartender #bar #cocktail #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #金毛犬 #犬 #狗 #酒保 #酒家 #調酒
My take on a " Brooding Chinese Homer Simpson".
候瑪先生 Hóu Mǎ Xiānshēng/Mister Hou Ma
I want to do at least one of these weird prompt drawings everyday. I'm taking on the machines, these goddamn AI art generators. I think I will undoubtedly lose the war but I'll have tonnes of fun along the way. 😂
What I don't have in sheer speed, image quality or uncanny valley creepiness, I make up for in human authenticity. 😝
Please send me your prompts and I'll happily work on them to the best of my ability! 😁❤️
#drawing #sketch #dailychallenge #personalchallenge #random #art #aiart #waragainstaiart #thesimpsons #homer #chinesehomersimpson #辛普森一家 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #深度學習
#drawing #sketch #dailychallenge #personalchallenge #random #art #aiart #waragainstaiart #thesimpsons #homer #chinesehomersimpson #辛普森一家 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #深度學習
A drawing of a pencil drawing a pencil with a pencil drawn with, well, a pencil.
A silly little drawing to start the day 😂❤️
Take that, AI Art generators! 😂
#pencil #drawing #random #silly #cartoon #mechanicalpencil #art #鉛筆 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂
#pencil #drawing #random #silly #cartoon #mechanicalpencil #art #鉛筆 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂
I don't know why I drew this but I did, so now you have to see this.
I have no idea if my muse will be flattered or weirded out. 😂😂😂
#drawing #sketch #art #davidso #dudesbehindthefoods #startrek #klingon #random #boredom #24thcentury #畫畫 #藝術 #星際旅行 #外星人 #二十四世紀 #亂 #解悶
#drawing #sketch #art #davidso #dudesbehindthefoods #startrek #klingon #random #boredom #24thcentury #畫畫 #藝術 #星際旅行 #外星人 #二十四世紀 #亂 #解悶
Another lazy Saturday arvo sketching session. This time, I tried out one of my new blending sticks on a portrait. I've never used them in my drawing but I saw them in a drawing video a while back and I was curious. I'd say the results are pretty nice and smooth. I'll use them more often in future drawings/sketches. 😃
#faces #pens #blending #blendingsticks #portraits #sketching #drawing #art #doodling #boredom #random #SaturdayArvoSketchingSessions #SASS #臉 #面 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂
#faces #pens #blending #blendingsticks #portraits #sketching #drawing #art #doodling #boredom #random #saturdayarvosketchingsessions #sass #臉 #面 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂
Finished an assessment early in the class today and had some down time, was bored and decided to do a side portrait of the lecturer, Bruce.
Of course, I took SOME artistic license. Ol' Bruce doesn't actually have a Mohawk, chin hair braid, twirled moustache or tear drop tattoo. I don't think I'd be able to focus if he did. 😂
#sketch #sideportrait #portrait #drawing #art #random # boredom #畫畫 #肖像 #藝術 #亂 #解悶
#sketch #sideportrait #portrait #drawing #art #random #畫畫 #肖像 #藝術 #亂 #解悶
I don't what this guy is. 1/3 Bear, 1/3 Capybara and maybe 1/3 Tom Selleck? 😂 And then vaguely Trek-ish/Sci-fi with the mandarin collar.
#bear #capybara #tomselleckmustache #aliens #startrek #scifi #spaceopera #portrait #sketch #drawing #art #random #外星人 #科幻 #連環圖 #藝術 #畫畫 #亂 #肖像
#bear #capybara #tomselleckmustache #aliens #startrek #scifi #spaceopera #portrait #sketch #drawing #art #random #外星人 #科幻 #連環圖 #藝術 #畫畫 #亂 #肖像
There's always:
1) The fresh-out-of-the-academy rookie cop who hasn't seen any shit at all.
2) The hot-headed newly promoted detective who has seen some shit but obviously not enough.
3) The jaded grumpy senior detective who has seen too much of all the shit.
#detectives #copshow #tropes #aliens #iveseensomeshit #scifi #spaceopera #comic #drawing #art #random #偵探 #外星人 #科幻 #連環圖 #藝術 #畫畫 #亂
#detectives #copshow #tropes #aliens #iveseensomeshit #scifi #spaceopera #comic #drawing #art #random #偵探 #外星人 #科幻 #連環圖 #藝術 #畫畫 #亂
My most recent art diary has unintentionally become a book of faces. A Face Book, if you will. 😂
#faces #portraits #sketching #drawing #art #doodling #boredom #random #臉 #面 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂
#faces #portraits #sketching #drawing #art #doodling #boredom #random #臉 #面 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂