> Though the words blood and soil have been degraded in our time by degraded men, their concrete realities pervade the archaic tradition and come down to us today even in the inflated stereotypes of patriotism and nationalism.
Terrible that #ForsaKeN #Nazi #AzovBattalion coopted #RedAndBlack for #BloodAndSoil. #YetAnotetherExample #YAE of #CorruptioOptimiPessima #COPessima. #AmReading #LewisMumford in #TransformationOfMan to see why it irritates me so much. #TToM #人間の変成 #人間過去現在未来 #マンフォード
#マンフォード #人間過去現在未来 #人間の変成 #TToM #TransformationOfMan #LewisMumford #amreading #COPessima #corruptioOptimiPessima #yae #YetAnotetherExample #bloodandsoil #redandblack #azovbattalion #nazi #forsaken