任正非:直播購物影片商將大量倒閉 「一直在燒錢、只有流量沒產生價值」
華為行政總裁任正非曾言「所有的生意終將死亡,唯有文化生生不息」,他預測明年大量製作短影片的公司會倒閉,因為它們 […]
The post 任正非:直播購物影片商將大量倒閉 「一直在燒錢、只有流量沒產生價值」 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#科技趣聞 #任正非 #短影片 #華為
“#華為 電路板終於穩定了” #任正非 說他不反美 https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/Xinwen/4-03182023113143.html#.ZBXkHl4i1fU.twitter https://nitter.hongkongers.net/RFA_Chinese/status/1637136531205894150#m
So Deepin v20.6 works just fine. The problem I'm seeing is strictly with Deepin v20.7. I wonder if #任正非 can read this?
PS -- I noticed another bug in Deepin v20.7: When first starting up in the morning, as soon as the computer passes control to the Deepin bootloader, the computer freezes. Recycling power allows the computer to boot normally. It did it every single morning that I used it.
Founder of China's Huawei urges focus on cash flow, survival in downturn - media
Dear #任正非,
The Chinese people have been through worse things than you are going through now, so I have confidence that you will be able to weather this hardship out and emerge stronger for it.
The True White Brother
PS -- I really like what you've done with Deepin. It is superior even to Kylin or WinXP. Good job!