北京:已建立临时人群免疫保护 将开展血清抗体水平调查 https://news.ifeng.com/c/8N1iGdiGerg #冠状病毒 #抗体 #北京 #水平
“本次奥密克戎病毒正式更名为新型冠状病毒感冒”?媒体辟谣 https://news.ifeng.com/c/8LO6Ck7mYsx #冠状病毒 #病毒
Looks like further protests are erupting in China after a fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang during a Covid lockdown, where residents said that 10 people were killed after being trapped there. Here, people are seen at a vigil saying "long live the people" at Nanjing's Institute of Communication.
In Urumqi, many of its 4 million residents have been under some of the country's longest lockdowns, barred from leaving their homes for around 100 days. #新疆 #冠状病毒 #covid #covid19 #china
#China #COVID19 #COVID #冠状病毒 #新疆