bs2 · @bsmall2
195 followers · 3346 posts · Server

Every time I stop to take a look at this calendar, I want to spend more time with it. Part of the artwork's name is "Rose of Sharon" which has me thinking of Steinbeck's _The Grapes of Wrath_ and how organizations can become uncontrollable beasts, even the bank guys don't seem to be in control as people's land, homes and livelihood's are destroyed. Banks and Nukes...

#原発とめよう秩父人 #秩父人 #roseofsharon

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
195 followers · 3346 posts · Server

February 9th is a big day for Nuclear accidents. One in Korea and one in Japan on this day. This grassroots calendar is great for reminding me of what should get more attention. Another calendar of proverbs has "The cornered rat bites the cat" 窮鼠猫を噛む, and I guess regular people would bit more if we thought more about nuke damage. The Buddhist sayings calendar has "Don't chase the past or wait for the future" 過去は追わず未来は待たず.

#原発とめよう秩父人 #諺 #proverbs #nonukes #calendars

Last updated 2 years ago