#池田小・児童8人惨殺 宅間元死刑囚が獄中で綴った本当の動機「エリートの卵を刺し続けた」【#平成事件史】 (2/2) 〈dot.〉|#AERA dot. (アエラドット) https://dot.asahi.com/dot/2018122800027.html
In his diary in prison, He only showed self-justification and his servile emotion.
this article may be false.
池田小・児童8人惨殺 宅間元死刑囚が獄中で綴った本当の動機「エリートの卵を刺し続けた」【#平成事件史】 (1/2) 〈dot.〉|#AERA dot. (アエラドット) https://dot.asahi.com/dot/2018122800027.html
Is it truth? In Takuma's diary in prison, He showed only all escaping emotion and passed the buck to his parents.
#池田小 児童8人惨殺 宅間元死刑囚が獄中で綴った本当の動機「エリートの卵を刺し続けた」【#平成事件史】 https://dot.asahi.com/dot/2018122800027.html @dot_asahi_pubより
I can’t believe this.
His diary in the prison wrote “My parents scum made me this.”
The saying links #Ushijima or on-j comics.
#池田小 #ushijima #平成事件史 #murderer