Though my drawing was not looking a masterpiece, but...
Happy Birthday to NEW GAME's Manga Artist and Happy 10th Anniversary to this manga... possibly! But thank you Tokunou for this masterpiece of Anime about Video Games, now i am growing up to still love Video Games!❤️🎂❤️
Moar Hashtags in case of this drawing of HifuAoba:
#滝本ひふみ #滝本ひふみ生誕祭2023
#涼風青葉 #涼風青葉生誕祭2023
#得能正太郎生誕祭2023 #滝本ひふみ #滝本ひふみ生誕祭2023 #涼風青葉 #涼風青葉生誕祭2023 #ニューゲーム #newgame10周年