RecoveR · @paperleaf
24 followers · 85 posts · Server


PV: А pleasure to meet you.
Isabelle Rimbaud (AR’s younger sister): You have my card, don' t you? Will you send the manuscripts to that address?
PV: Of course.
IR: - Please don't forget. We shall make a very careful selection of what is to survive.
PV: Good-bye.

(Paul Verlaine tore Isabelle’s card.)
PV (to the pub attendant): Absinthe… two.

(The following are all Paul Verlaine’s fantasies.)
PV: Since he died, I see him every night... my great and radiant sin. We were always happy... always. I remember.
AR: I found it.
PV: What?
AR: Eternity. It's the sun mingled with the sea.

#心之全蚀 #纸叶子个人版

Last updated 2 years ago

RecoveR · @paperleaf
24 followers · 85 posts · Server

【连续剧,4 & 5】 魏尔伦开枪打中兰波。

PV: I did some shopping this morning. I bought a gun.
AR: What for?
PV: For you, for me… for everybody.
AR: I hope you bought plenty of ammunition.
PV: I’m not going to let you go, you know.
AR: Now his is a rather entertaining number that we haven' t seen this one before.
PV: I’ll kill you!
AR: For God’s sake, pull yourself together.
PV: I read your letter. You begged me to come back. You said you were crying as you wrote it. I could see your tears on the paper.
AR: That was before I thought of pawning your clothes.
(Paul Verlaine shot Arthur Rimbaud twice.)
(Arthur Rimbaud stared at his left hand.)
AR: Look what you've done .
PV: I didn't mean to. I’m sorry. Look. Oh, my God. Kill me. Shoot me. Shoot me!
AR: How can I, you stupid fuck? You've just blown a hole in my hand.
PV: Oh, God. What have I done?
AR: You missed.

结尾那句 You missed. 太灵性了……我完全不知道怎么表述。在电影90min处也有呼应,那段台词是魏尔伦皈依基督教之后:

AR: Now you want us to love each other in Jesus?
PV: I want you to follow my example. I hope you didn't think I might be angry with you.
AR: No.
PV: You didn' t know I'd be put away so long. I certainly forgave you for it.
AR: I didn't forgive you.
PV: What for?
AR: For missing.


#心之全蚀 #PaperLeaf

Last updated 2 years ago

RecoveR · @paperleaf
24 followers · 85 posts · Server

PV: Do you know what day it is tomorrow?
AR: Friday.
PV: It's my wedding anniversary... and I haven‘t seen her, my wife… since we made love here in Brussels nearly a year ago. She won't answer my letters. I wrote her if she didn’t come to Brussels within 3 days… I'd commit suicide, and she didn't even reply.
AR: But then you didn’t commit suicide.
PV: I suppose you think that' s funny.
AR: No, it's pitiful. How many people did you tell you were committing suicide? I’m surprised you didn’t send out invitations.
PV: Look, look. Look, this summer… Remember last summer when we set out, how wonderful it was? Remember? Why don't we go south? Late summer on the Mediterranean… we could dedicate ourselves to warmth. Or Africa. You've always wanted to go to Africa. Just for a month, then make up your mind. Look at the sun .
AR: No.
PV: Why not?
AR: I can't. It’s no good. It’s too late.
PV: It’s not! I promise you, it's not. You know if you leave me, you’ll kill me. I can't bear to be alone. I don't exist without someone else. I don't care if you stay with me out of pity, just stay!
AR: I can’t.
PV: Why not ? Oh, you don't care. You have no idea what this means.
AR: For God’s sake, stop whining!

#心之全蚀 #纸叶子个人版

Last updated 2 years ago

RecoveR · @paperleaf
24 followers · 85 posts · Server

看了 电影。【连续剧,2】
此段关于兰波为什么写信给魏尔伦,不管怎么样(我也感觉真实情况不可能跟电影里演得那么疯),魏尔伦都算他的伯乐。关于You know how to say,大概就是指魏尔伦在诗歌音乐性的方面探究最远吧,不太清楚,毕竟翻译不可能照顾到音律。

PV: “I became a fabulous opera.
“I saw that all creatures are condemned to happiness.” What’s this? Are you going back to rhyme?
“I have researched the magic shapes…of the happiness no one escapes.” That’s wonderful.
I’ve often wondered why you chose to write to me. You’re so far up ahead… I can never understand the signs you’re making. You make me feel I’m from another century.
“I’ve researched magic shapes… of the happiness no one escapes.” It’s wonderful.
【AR: I chose you for a very good reason. You see… I’ve always known what to say… but you… you know how to say. I thought I could learn from you… and I have. 】
AR: What’s your greatest fear?
PV: I wouldn’t like to mislay my balls. What’s your greatest fear?
AR: That other people will see me as I see them.


#心之全蚀 #PaperLeaf

Last updated 2 years ago

RecoveR · @paperleaf
23 followers · 80 posts · Server

看了 电影。【连续剧,1】
此段关于兰波为什么写信给魏尔伦,不管怎么样(我也感觉真实情况不可能跟电影里演得那么疯),魏尔伦都算他的伯乐。关于You know how to say,大概就是指魏尔伦在诗歌音乐性的方面探究最远吧,不太清楚,毕竟翻译不可能照顾到音律。

PV: “I became a fabulous opera.
“I saw that all creatures are condemned to happiness.” What’s this? Are you going back to rhyme?
“I have researched the magic shapes…of the happiness no one escapes.” That’s wonderful.
I’ve often wondered why you chose to write to me. You’re so far up ahead… I can never understand the signs you’re making. You make me feel I’m from another century.
“I’ve researched magic shapes… of the happiness no one escapes.” It’s wonderful.
【AR: I chose you for a very good reason. You see… I’ve always known what to say… but you… you know how to say. I thought I could learn from you… and I have. 】
AR: What’s your greatest fear?
PV: I wouldn’t like to mislay my balls. What’s your greatest fear?
AR: That other people will see me as I see them.


#心之全蚀 #PaperLeaf

Last updated 2 years ago

RecoveR · @paperleaf
24 followers · 85 posts · Server

看了 电影。很喜欢,开个串。【连续剧起点,1】
PV(to Mathilde): You look like a fucking saint. Except you haven't got your halo. I'll give you your halo.
(Paul Verlaine burnt Mathilde’s hair.)
Mathilde: He's back, isn't he?
PV: I can't leave Mathilde at the moment. She's not very well.
AR: I’m not surprised if you keep setting fire to her.
PV: I haven't set fire to her since Thursday.
AR: No, it's not very funny. It's pathetic. Your acts of violence are always curiously disgusting.
PV: What do you mean? They're not clean.
AR: You're always in some sort of a drunken stupor. Then you start apologizing and groveling.
I don't like hurting people.
AR: Then don't. But if you do, do it coolly. Don't insult your victims by feeling sorry afterwards.
PV: I love her, you see.
AR: You can't possibly.
PV: I love her body.
AR: There are other bodies.
PV: I love Mathilde's body.
AR: But not her soul?
PV: I think it's less important to love the soul. After all, the soul may be immortal. We have plenty of time for the soul... but flesh rots. It's my love of flesh which keeps me faithful.
AR: Faithful. What do you mean?
PV: I'm faithful to all my lovers... because once I love them... I will always love them... and when I'm alone in the evening... or in the early morning... I close my eyes... and I celebrate them all.
AR: That's not faithfulness. That's nostalgia. If you don't want to leave's not because you're faithful. It's because you're weak.
PV: If strength involves brutality, I prefer to be weak.
AR: With you, weakness involves brutality as well. Don't expect me to be faithful to you.
PV: Why are you so harsh with me?
AR: Because you need it.
PV: Isn't it enough for you to know... that I love you more than I've ever loved anyone... and that I will always love you?
AR: Shut up, you sniveling drunk.
PV: - Tell me that you love me.
AR: - For God's sake!
PV: Please. It's important. Just say it.
AR: You know I'm very fond of you.
AR: - Do you love me?
PV: - What?
AR: - Do you love me?
PV: - Yes.
AR: Then put your hands on the table.
PV: What?
AR: Put your hand on the table. Palm upwards.
AR: The only unbearable thing is that nothing is unbearable.
(Arthur Rimbaud cut Paul Verlaine’s hand hard with his knife. Paul mourned.)


#心之全蚀 #PaperLeaf

Last updated 2 years ago

RecoveR · @paperleaf
23 followers · 79 posts · Server

PV(to Mathilde): You look like a fucking saint. Except you haven't got your halo. I'll give you your halo.
(Paul Verlaine burnt Mathilde’s hair.)
Mathilde: He's back, isn't he?
PV: I can't leave Mathilde at the moment. She's not very well.
AR: I’m not surprised if you keep setting fire to her.
PV: I haven't set fire to her since Thursday.
AR: No, it's not very funny. It's pathetic. Your acts of violence are always curiously disgusting.
PV: What do you mean? They're not clean.
AR: You're always in some sort of a drunken stupor. Then you start apologizing and groveling.
I don't like hurting people.
AR: Then don't. But if you do, do it coolly. Don't insult your victims by feeling sorry afterwards.
PV: I love her, you see.
AR: You can't possibly.
PV: I love her body.
AR: There are other bodies.
PV: I love Mathilde's body.
AR: But not her soul?
PV: I think it's less important to love the soul. After all, the soul may be immortal. We have plenty of time for the soul... but flesh rots. It's my love of flesh which keeps me faithful.
AR: Faithful. What do you mean?
PV: I'm faithful to all my lovers... because once I love them... I will always love them... and when I'm alone in the evening... or in the early morning... I close my eyes... and I celebrate them all.
AR: That's not faithfulness. That's nostalgia. If you don't want to leave's not because you're faithful. It's because you're weak.
PV: If strength involves brutality, I prefer to be weak.
AR: With you, weakness involves brutality as well. Don't expect me to be faithful to you.
PV: Why are you so harsh with me?
AR: Because you need it.
PV: Isn't it enough for you to know... that I love you more than I've ever loved anyone... and that I will always love you?
AR: Shut up, you sniveling drunk.
PV: - Tell me that you love me.
AR: - For God's sake!
PV: Please. It's important. Just say it.
AR: You know I'm very fond of you.
AR: - Do you love me?
PV: - What?
AR: - Do you love me?
PV: - Yes.
AR: Then put your hands on the table.
PV: What?
AR: Put your hand on the table. Palm upwards.
AR: The only unbearable thing is that nothing is unbearable.
(Arthur Rimbaud cut Paul Verlaine’s hand hard with his knife. Paul mourned.)


#心之全蚀 #PaperLeaf

Last updated 2 years ago

汐石_调研交了吗 · @Franciee
211 followers · 1768 posts · Server

AR: ...there was a Prussian soldier not much older than me asleep in the clearing. I watched him for a long time before I realized he wasn't asleep. He was dead.
And somehow that clarified things for me. I understood that what I needed to become the first poet of this century was to experience everything in my body. It was no longer enough for me to be one person. I decided to be everyone. I decided to be a genius. I decided to originate the future.


#心之全蚀 #PaperLeaf

Last updated 2 years ago

汐石_调研交了吗 · @Franciee
211 followers · 1768 posts · Server

AR: Your last book wasn't good enough. Premarital garbage.
PV: No. Love poems. A lot of people find them very beautiful.
AR: But they're all lies... Love? No such thing.
PV:What do you mean?
AR: Whatever binds families and married couples together, that's not love. That's stupidity or selfishness or fear. Love doesn't exist.
PV: You're wrong.

AR: Self-interest exists. Attachment based on personal gain exists. Complacency exists. But not love.
AR: Love has to be reinvented.

#心之全蚀 #PaperLeaf

Last updated 2 years ago