RT @AmldavisAnn@twitter.com
Here is another #manga treasure that made it into my @ohayocon@twitter.com presentation last week The Vol. 10 cover from the Mighty Atom Club 鉄腕アトムクラブ magazine, celebrating the 1964 #TokyoOlympics. 🏅🗼 Published by Tezuka #手塚's Mushi Productions from 1964-66 @CartoonLibrary@twitter.com 🤖💫
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmldavisAnn/status/1619037607299788803
RT @AmldavisAnn@twitter.com
Here is a much treasured piece from our #manga collection: an unfinished and most likely unpublished work from the “Godfather of Manga,” Osamu Tezuka #手塚 #漫画 #マンガ, set during the U.S. Occupation. @CartoonLibrary@twitter.com @OSULibrary@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmldavisAnn/status/1604813876704354305