“…there were many HL fans who considered themselves only fans of Methos, and not the star of the show, Duncan. This was a normal phenomenon. But Kirkies and Spockies, or Bodie fans and Doylies in Pros were both watching the same show. Methos fans generally only watched the episodes he was in (roughly 20 out of 100 eps.) This gave them a different take on Duncan's character, that the Duncan fans thought was invalid, since it wasn't based on all of the aired source. This led to constant battles over story characterization between the two groups.”
I mean, I don’t remember much drama about it, probably because I was much more of a reader than writer. But yeah I was very much a Methos fangirl 20+ years ago, and to this day a Methos fangirl I remain. I did watch all of Highlander (or however much I could catch on TV) back then, but I had less than zero interest in the Duncan/Tessa storyline. I don’t dislike Duncan or anything, nor am I into grovel fics, it’s just that Methos will always be more interesting.
Wow. Henry Cavill in #Highlander reboot. No Methos in this one, I presume. Still, this brings back happy memories. Methos was probably the first ex-bad boy (a bit of understatement, I grant you) in slash that I fell in love with. Well, him and Alex Krycek—the Rat was technically always an antagonist, though.
(Savage Garden倒是例外。惨烈归惨烈,物是人非归物是人非,但无论如何也没有什么负面情绪。可能是因为当年我太纯爱了。)
不知道NHL的rps这一块有没有饭吃啊。 :blobhungry:
Buoy, a sea troll, is the Kraken's mascot. He is said to be a nephew of the Fremont Troll.
不知道Assaad Bouab会唱歌不。如果会,我简直想一人血书要求Les Dix Commandements重排让他来演拉姆西斯……
念到这里又跑去油管搜了一下,居然发现去年Daniel Lévi和Ahmed Mouici上节目重唱了Mon frère(要唱当然也就是这首啦)。啊啊啊啊啊啊二十多年过去,法老唱起来还是双目含情…… :blobcathearteyes: :blobcathearteyes:
#旧日旅行 (来长毛象之前的aka新冠前)
#PNW大西北乱逛 (包括加拿大BC)
#2021圣诞新墨西哥(那之前是 #三藩游流水账 )
#旧日旅行 #PNW大西北乱逛 #2022北上班夫希望看到熊 #2022回东岸逛 #2023新年摩洛哥 #2023墨西哥古巴 #西雅图碎碎念 #今天也没有炸厨房呢 #拼图 #2022年冬欧洲浪里个浪 #2022墨西哥卡波 #2021横跨美国搬家旅行 #2021圣诞新墨西哥 #三藩游流水账 #2021秋蒙特利尔 #2022夏威夷大岛 #哥谭放羊 #逛馆记录 #搞cp才是正事 #舞台剧碎碎念