Been surrounded by a lot of calligraphy lately at Grandma's and it has inspired me to get back into it myself.
Just sharing some little experiments and logo designs.
1) Words by Sījié with a cursive version of 字 zì "character/word'
2) The piece with 茶 chá "tea", the way the character turned out made me think of a grumpy bearded old man with bushy brows, so I ended up drawing one next to it. 😃
3) 橙 chéng "orange" in the shape of well, an orange. 🍊
4) 心 xīn "heart", one of my favourite characters to practice Cursive/One stroke writing.
#calligraphy #chinesecalligraphy #font #experimental #art #random #hanzi #books #words #tea #red #orange #書 #书 #書法 #書道 #字 #茶 #心 #紅 #藝術 #亂
#calligraphy #chinesecalligraphy #font #experimental #art #random #hanzi #books #words #tea #red #orange #書 #书 #書法 #書道 #字 #茶 #心 #紅 #藝術 #亂
もしかしたら #クマタカ
#Nikon #NikonF3 #KodakGold200 #NikkorQauto135mmf28 #film #photography #マストドン写真部 #鳥
Homo rehabilis【2】冬の挿話:未来の子どもと降りてくる空海
#クマタカ #nikon #nikonf3 #kodakgold200 #nikkorqauto135mmf28 #film #photography #マストドン写真部 #鳥 #エッセイ #書 #記憶 #前衛 #書家 #ルポルタージュ #古典 #未来 #タイムスリップ #密教 #空海 #余白
Late arvo in the living room vibes.
Damn, I forgot how many books I got for learning Chinese. I was really obsessed back in the day. Afraid I've let my Chinese slip back a fair bit. 😞
#latearvo #sunlight #livingroom #books #languagelearning #chineselanguage #bookshelf #library #晚半晌 #晚半天 #陽光 #書 #學語言 #中文 #書架
#latearvo #sunlight #livingroom #books #languagelearning #chineselanguage #bookshelf #library #晚半晌 #晚半天 #陽光 #書 #學語言 #中文 #書架
From "The Art of Communicating" by Thich Nhat Hanh.
A very interesting yet powerful idea to imagine uncomfortable feelings as small children to be acknowledged and embraced, rather than pushed away and ignored. This idea along with mindful breathing has been very helpful for me in my daily life, but especially in times of heavy suffering.
#mindfulness #breathing #feelings #meditation #thichnhathanh #buddhism #books #loneliness #sadness #fear #anxiety #anger #留意 #正念 #呼吸 #沉思 #禪 #靜心 #釋一行 #佛教 #書
#mindfulness #breathing #feelings #meditation #thichnhathanh #buddhism #books #loneliness #sadness #fear #anxiety #anger #留意 #正念 #呼吸 #沉思 #禪 #靜心 #釋一行 #佛教 #書
趁 Kobo 折扣最後一天,買了幾本電子書,有滿多圖書館可以借的就先不買了,不然錢包會爆炸。這次買傳記和小說,感覺好像太久沒看小說了,腦袋需要平衡一下。