As I was replying to an old friend's email and we were writing about what アニメ「anime」we had seen recently or may be watching soon.

It occurred to me: Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki Hayao's film for 君たちはどう生きるか「kimitachi wa dō ikiru ka」"How do you live?" is to be released on July 14th, 2023 yet here we are on June 14th, 2023: I have not seen a single trailer for it!

Apparently, this is intentional.

From Wikipedia: "Ghibli [is] choosing not to release any trailers or images of the film in advance of its premiere with the exception of a single poster."

How refreshing in 2023: that an animation studio and auteur of a director would choose not to waste millions on theatrical trailers in an era where no amount of ad blockers is sufficient!

If only more would take the hint and follow in similar foot steps.


#株式会社スタジオジブリ #宮崎駿 #君たちはどう生きるか #ジブリ #hayaomiyazaki #miyazakihayao #miyazaki #genzaburoyoshino #howdoyoulive #anime #アニメ #youdonotneedadblockerswhentherearenoadstoblock

Last updated 1 year ago

Mitch · @Mitch
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