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最後の撮影してきました https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1751137/gravure-idols/
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【熊田曜子×TARZAN】にポールダンスで鍛えた◯◯を披露 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1725809/gravure-idols/
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「アサヒ芸能」表紙撮影に密着(編集も熊田曜子がセルフで挑戦) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1683295/gravure-idols/
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Amy, a very old man, continued Joanie’s mother, who had been out walking in the fields that same afternoon, and who had seen from a distance what had happened, and who had tried to shout but his voice was way too low to reach the little girl, brought the sad story to a neighbour, who in turn ran and told the local priest, who quickly went and told the mother.
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#auow #ireland #愛爾蘭 #nowreading #childrensliterature #PositiveVibes #old #老 #mother #母 #voice #sad #傷心 #priest #神甫 #acoire102
Her mother would always walk down to the riverside with her to make sure she crossed over safely on the bridge, and she would always be waiting for her there when she came to crossing back over it in the afternoons. Now of a morning, Joanie, her mother wasn’t feeling very well, and wasn’t able to go down to the riverside with her.
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#auow #ireland #愛爾蘭 #nowreading #childrensliterature #PositiveVibes #mother #母 #riverside #河邊 #bridge #橋 #afternoon #下午 #feelings #feel #情懷 #acoire96
Her mother leaned back in the chair with astonishment at Joanie’s story for she knew there was some history there; some story coming from the past. And so her mother told her this very sad story of how over a hundred years before there were people living in a house on the hillside across on the other side of the river. The couple who lived there had only one child; a little girl.
#auow #ireland #愛爾蘭 #nowreading #childrensliterature #positivevibes #mother #母 #histodons #歷史 #ACoIre94
#auow #ireland #愛爾蘭 #nowreading #childrensliterature #PositiveVibes #mother #母 #histodons #歷史 #acoire94
Her mother was surprised to see her home so early and wondered why. After sitting down she told her mother all about what had happened on her way to school in the morning; how she had met this beautiful little girl named Bridget, and how they had walked along the road together chatting hand in hand, and how she had vanished into thin air, and how that her friends didn’t see her at all.
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#auow #ireland #愛爾蘭 #nowreading #childrensliterature #PositiveVibes #mother #母 #schools #學校 #acoire93