#kltNotes / Kanji-in-Kanji
船、せん、ship, boat、2-5-15
㕣、えん、valley marsh、3563
Suggested note to place in Kanji Learning Today workbook.
X-Y-Z shows Year, Set, Position.
AB123 format is Unicode (shows not Joyo or Jinmei and therefore not in KLT).
See blueseapress.com or Amazon.com
#kltNotes / Kanji-in-Kanji
越、えつ、go beyond; err、7-1-14
戊、ぼ、5th calendar sign、13-9-11
Suggested note to place in Kanji Learning Today workbook.
X-Y-Z shows Year, Set, Position.
AB123 format is Unicode (shows not Joyo or Jinmei and therefore not in KLT).
See blueseapress.com or Amazon.com
#kltNotes / Kanji-in-Kanji
阿、あ、(phonetic a)、13-1-1
可、か、possible, able、5-1-15
Suggested note to place in Kanji Learning Today workbook.
X-Y-Z shows Year, Set, Position.
AB123 format is Unicode (shows not Joyo or Jinmei and therefore not in KLT).
See blueseapress.com or Amazon.com
#kltNotes / Kanji-in-Kanji
影、えい、shadow, reflection、7-1-13
Suggested note to place in Kanji Learning Today workbook.
X-Y-Z shows Volume, Set, Position.
AB123 format is Unicode (shows not Joyo or Jinmei and therefore not in KLT).
See blueseapress.com or Amazon.com
#kltNotes / Kanji Readings
上、じょう、up; raise; ascend、1-2-19
The reading selected in the first row is correct.
The reading selected in the second row is incorrect.
A reading has not yet been selected in the third row.
Kanji Learning Today: Online 1 (1026 kanji) is available free-of-charge at https://blueseapress.com
#kltNotes / Kanji-in-Kanji
数、すう、number; quantity、2-5-8
Suggested note to place in Kanji Learning Today workbook.
X-Y-Z shows Year, Set, Position.
AB123 format is Unicode (shows not Joyo or Jinmei and therefore not in KLT).
See blueseapress.com or Amazon.com
https://www.pub-x.com/192395/ 【朝までアサヒ】リスナーさんプレゼントでビールを最高に楽しむ日本語教師Vtuber/晩酌雑談 ##Japanesegrammar ##N1 ##N2 ##N3 ##N5 ##ブイチューバー #Anya #game #GURA #HoloCure #hololibeid #Hololive #hololiveen #IRyS #Japanese #JLPT #JPT #K-popBoys #K-popIdols #kanji #KIARA #N4 #Vtuber #アーニャ #アイリス #アサヒ(ASAHI) #キアラ #グラ #ゲーム #ホロキュア #ホロライブ #ホロライブ切り抜き #リアクション動画 #切り抜き動画 #日本語 #日本語文法 #漢字
#japanesegrammar #n1 #n2 #n3 #n5 #ブイチューバー #anya #game #gura #holocure #hololibeid #hololive #hololiveen #irys #japanese #jlpt #jpt #k #kanji #kiara #n4 #vtuber #アーニャ #アイリス #アサヒ #キアラ #グラ #ゲーム #ホロキュア #ホロライブ #ホロライブ切り抜き #リアクション動画 #切り抜き動画 #日本語 #日本語文法 #漢字
#kltNotes / Kanji-in-Kanji
奇、き、unusual, eccentric、7-3-4
Suggested note to place in Kanji Learning Today workbook.
X-Y-Z shows Year, Set, Position.
AB123 format is Unicode (shows not Joyo or Jinmei and therefore not in KLT).
See blueseapress.com or Amazon.com
#kltNotes / Kanji-in-Kanji
巴、は、comma-design, swirl、13-8-15
Suggested note to place in Kanji Learning Today workbook.
X-Y-Z shows Year, Set, Position.
AB123 format is Unicode (shows not Joyo or Jinmei and therefore not in KLT).
See blueseapress.com or Amazon.com
#kltNotes / Kanji-in-Kanji
昜、よう、sunny; open、661C
Suggested note to place in Kanji Learning Today workbook.
X-Y-Z shows Year, Set, Position.
AB123 format is Unicode (shows not Joyo or Jinmei and therefore not in KLT).
See blueseapress.com or Amazon.com
Kanji Learning Today is a system for learning Japanese kanji characters. It combines web-based interactive pages with a workbook.
All Joyo and Jinmei characters are covered. The kanji are grouped by “Year,” which is parallel to the grade levels in Japanese schools. This helps build a reading level.
#kltNotes / Kanji Readings
The reading selected in the first row is correct.
The reading selected in the second row is incorrect.
A reading has not yet been selected in the third row.
Kanji Learning Today: Online 1 (1026 kanji) is available free-of-charge at https://blueseapress.com
#kltNotes / Kanji-in-Kanji
週、しゅう、week, weekly、2-4-17
Suggested note to place in Kanji Learning Today workbook.
X-Y-Z shows Year, Set, Position.
AB123 format is Unicode (shows not Joyo or Jinmei and therefore not in KLT).
See blueseapress.com or Amazon.com