本臺精選2022年中國十則重大新聞,前三名分別是 #烏魯木齊 大火引發“#白紙運動”,#北京 #四通橋 抗議極權獨裁,#習近平 在 #中共二十大 上成功取得第三個任期。上半年中國民眾備受"#動態清零"政策折騰,年末#防疫政策 急轉。2022年會影響中國以後五年、甚至十年的格局嗎?https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/zhengzhi/bx-12282022141506.html https://nitter.hongkongers.net/RFA_Chinese/status/1608501430876540929#m
#烏魯木齊 #白紙運動 #北京 #四通橋 #習近平 #中共二十大 #動態清零 #防疫政策
I think a lot of people online aren’t aware what a 50c #wumao post actually looks like. You expect singing the party line, bashing “the West”, when actually, it’s a spam of completely unrelated content to overwhelm the hashtags with meaningless content.
Here were posts following the #Urumqi fire and other protests across #China. No vitriol, no political line, just pure spam as a method of silencing.
#wumao #urumqi #china #中國 #中国 #烏魯木齊 #乌鲁木齐 #五毛
I think a lot of people online aren’t aware what a 50c #wumao post actually looks like. You expect singing the party line, bashing “the West”, when actually, it’s a spam of completely unrelated content to overwhelm the hashtags with meaningless content.
Here were posts following the #Urumqi fire and other protests across #China. No vitriol, no political line, just pure spam as a method of silencing.
#wumao #urumqi #china #中國 #中国 #烏魯木齊 #乌鲁木齐 #五毛
Workers in #Shanghai, #China, taking away road sign for Wulumuqi Road (Central), where protests took place against the #CommunistParty's #CovidZero #Lockdown policy.
Wulumuqi is Chinese for #Urumqi, where people had died in a fire where it is thought people were prevented from escaping due to lockdown.
Image via @shanghaiobserved@instagram.com.
#shanghai #china #communistparty #covidzero #lockdown #urumqi #ccp #cpc #covid #COVID19 #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #烏魯木齊 #乌鲁木齐 #新疆 #上海
【#烏魯木齊 大火後,在全國燃起星火的抗議活動】
2022-11-27 端傳媒官方頻道 Initium Media
RT @aurorachaang@twitter.com
哀悼。革命。/ 關於烏魯木齊, 清零政策, 上海, 富士康, 白紙與蠟燭, 被警察奪走的花朵, 以及在獨裁國家中上街的勇氣
for the victims of the #UrumqiFire and for those taking to the streets in china.
be safe. love from taiwan ❤️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aurorachaang/status/1596860719668289536
Scenes from this evening's China solidary vigil in Taipei. I was told this was put together very quickly initiated by students from China, HK, and Taiwan working together.
#烏魯木齊 #urumqifire #chinalockdown
#日常 #中國 #中共 #烏魯木齊 #乌鲁木齐 #新疆 #上海 #人權 #人权 #中国
#中華人民共和國 #中华人民共和国
#CCP #China #Shanghai #Humanrights #Xinjiang #EastTurkicIslamicRepublic #東突厥伊斯蘭共和國
#日常 #中國 #中共 #烏魯木齊 #乌鲁木齐 #新疆 #上海 #人權 #人权 #中国 #中華人民共和國 #中华人民共和国 #ccp #china #shanghai #humanrights #xinjiang #EastTurkicIslamicRepublic #東突厥伊斯蘭共和國