{WARNING on the left}


As a Classic Bomberman Fan (Who probably did liked Bomberman Land) & a Hetero/Straight Lover myself… Seeing "White Bomber & Pretty Bomber as a Couple (Both Classic & Land)" is getting Overrated (Along with the 3rd one that I mentioned)

#overrated #ハドソン #プリティーボンバー #白ボン #ボンバーマン #hudsonsoft #Pretty_Bomber #PrettyBomber #White_Bomber #whitebomber #bomberman

Last updated 1 year ago

Xandri (The Fuj0$h!t ships him with Max in the Bomberman Fandom) If you are looking at this image... This Classic!White Bomber with a Anti-Fuj0$h!t Flag is for you...💢 (I should put the Anti-Fud@ñ$h!t Flag on him as well)

#Anti_Fujoshi #AntiFujoshi #ハドソン #白ボン #ボンバーマン #Hudson_Soft #hudsonsoft #White_Bomber #whitebomber #bomberman

Last updated 1 year ago

Xandri (The Fuj0$h!t ships him with Max in the Bomberman Fandom) If you are looking at this image... This Classic!White Bomber with a Anti-Fuj0$h!t Flag is for you...💢 (I should put the Anti-Fud@ñ$h!t Flag on him as well)

#Anti_Fujoshi #AntiFujoshi #ハドソン #白ボン #ボンバーマン #Hudson_Soft #hudsonsoft #White_Bomber #whitebomber #bomberman

Last updated 1 year ago

Classic!White Bomber's Voice Actors:
🎙Kazuko Sugiyama (1990's something Bomberman Game in Japanese)
🎙Karen Takahata (Bomberman 64 in English & Bomberman Online Dreamcast)
🎙Shou Hayami (Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!)
🎙Sheryl Stanley (Bomberman Generation in English)
🎙Tomoko Kawakami {R.I.P.} (Bomberman Generation in Japanese)
🎙Tomoko Kaneda (DreamMix TV World Fighters & Bomberman Victory (Sammy Pachinko))
🎙Jessi Nicholson (Bomberman Live)

#ハドソン #白ボン #ボンバーマン #whitebomber #bomberman

Last updated 2 years ago

*Bomberman Model from the Wii Game by Roxas358*

If I had this Bomberman Model (Oh boy... I'm going to do a TERRIBLE job at this...), then he & his recolor clones BETTER be "Smol Beans (Like me, most of my other OCs/FCs & other characters/OCs (FCs) I've made them little"

#expressions #TPosing #tpose #3d #ハドソン #ボンバーマンWii #白ボン #ボンバーマン #Hudson_Soft #hudsonsoft #Bomberman_Wii #BombermanWii #Shirobon #White_Bomber #whitebomber #bomberman

Last updated 2 years ago

*Bomberman Model from the Wii Game by Roxas358*

If I had this Bomberman Model (Oh boy... I'm going to do a TERRIBLE job at this...), then he & his recolor clones BETTER be "Smol Beans (Like me, most of my other OCs/FCs & other characters/OCs (FCs) I've made them little"


#expressions #TPosing #tpose #ハドソン #ボンバーマンWii #白ボン #ボンバーマン #Hudson_Soft #hudsonsoft #Bomberman_Wii #BombermanWii #Shirobon #White_Bomber #whitebomber #bomberman

Last updated 2 years ago

*Credits to Bonache for this Super Games World comic of Bomberman*

Bomberman being a Lil/Smol Boy = CUTE AS F*CK for my Husbando~:yanagiyuu_heart3:?!! (I wonder, if I can bring my Husbando Classic!White Bomber to the Obscure Waifus, if that's fine to them?)

#ハドソン #白ボン #ボンバーマン #Hudson_Soft #hudsonsoft #Shirobon #White_Bomber #whitebomber #bomberman

Last updated 2 years ago

*Credits to whoever drew this Comic (REUPLOAD)*
Oh little girls in the Bomberman Fandom (When SBR DIDN'T exist), back when I thought, I was going to have my Dreams come true... But it TURNS OUT I got most stuff, that I DIDN'T EVEN F*CKING ASK FOR💢?!! (F*CK YOU REALITY GODS💢?!!)

#ハドソン #白ボン #ボンバーマン #comic #Hudson_Soft #hudsonsoft #Shirobon #whitebomber #bomberman

Last updated 2 years ago