The White Lotus S02E03 一段祖孫對話對所謂經典電影 #教父 的男權解構, 耐人尋味(內心OS:為Albie鼓掌):
(祖父Bert, 父親Dominic, 孫子Albie及其女友Portia, 一家人閒坐於西西里島 教父 取景地)
Bert: This is where Michael Corleone was hiding out. Another Mafia family was trying to kill him. And his wife blew up over there. The car was rigged with a bomb meant for Michael. But his wife is gonna drive for some reason. Pacino realizes, he screams, "No! Apollonia!" It's too late. Car explodes, she blows up. It's a great scene.
Portia: She blows up?
Bert: Uh-huh.
Portia: Like, blows up?
Bert: Mm-hmm.
Portia: It's a little tasteless maybe.
Bert: Well, look, they're trying to make a buck. They own a house where they shot the best American movie ever made.
Albie: No, it's not.
Bert: No? Why not? I think so.
Albie: Well, yeah, I mean, you would.
Bert: All right, what's that supposed to mean?
Albie: It's because you're nostalgic for the solid days of the patriarchy.
Dominic: They're undeniably great movies.
#白蓮花渡假村 #第二季 #第三集 #HBO #黑色喜劇 #教父