And #BookOfTheYear number 3 is this beautiful signed book of photos of #CantoneseOpera star Pak Suet-Sin (#白雪仙) mostly with her partner Yam Kim-Fai (#任劍輝). The #photographs are wonderful (and there are lots). The presentation is exquisite. The English title is: ‘How do you know how spring is like this - Pak Suet-Sin Collection Album (Numbered & Signed Edition)’
#bookoftheyear #CantoneseOpera #白雪仙 #任劍輝 #photographs
落花滿天•管弦光影之旅丨《帝女花》面世65周年 94歲白雪仙精神奕奕捧場 全場拍掌歡呼 94歲粵劇泰斗 #白雪仙,昨晚聖誕節現身「落花滿天• 管弦光影之旅」音樂會,地位崇高的仙姐是任白戲寶《#帝女花》的靈魂人物,當她出現觀眾席時,全場哄動,觀眾歡呼聲不絕,紛紛舉手機拍照,仙姐友善地報以微笑,又揮手致意,巨星風采震懾全場。 音樂會首次融合粵劇戲曲及西樂作跨界演繹,作為紀念《帝女花》面世65周年,監製 #陳善之 跟仙姐有深厚交情,某次閒談中,仙姐問起近況,陳善之談及正籌備音樂會,仙姐了解情況後很感興趣,同時又收到導演吳國亮的邀請信,在其侄阿聰同意下決定出席音樂會。... 「落花滿天• 管弦光影之旅」音樂會由 #香港管弦樂團(港樂)與 #桃花源粵劇工作舍 聯合主辦,於聖誕節前圓滿演出兩日三場,場場爆滿,其他捧場嘉賓還有馮寶寶、林家棟、王愛明、蘇孝良、倫永亮、高世章、馮素波等,原定22號離港的馮寶寶,為了欣賞音樂會而特別延遲了一天行程。 #馮寶寶 是任白睇住成長的後輩,她認為音樂會完全做到...
#白雪仙 #帝女花 #陳善之 #香港管弦樂團 #桃花源粵劇工作舍 #馮寶寶
好耐冇見林鄭高調現身 #林鄭月娥 #白雪仙 #帝女花
It doesn’t matter how many times I watch Yam Kim-Fai (#任劍輝), I can’t see ‘him’ as a woman. It fascinates me. Pak Suet-Sin (#白雪仙) fascinates me full stop. #YamKimFai #PakSuetSin #CantoneseOpera #HongKong #ChineseOpera
#任劍輝 #白雪仙 #yamkimfai #paksuetsin #CantoneseOpera #hongkong #chineseopera
#CantoneseOpera is one of the most ‘different’ performance traditions I’ve ever encountered but Pak Suet-sin / #白雪仙 and her partner Yam Kim-fai / #任劍輝 have won me over. Their chemistry is extraordinary. Pak is luminous and her face is constantly ‘talking’ to you. Yam has a lovely mixture of nobility & vulnerability. The energy is VERY different from #Takarazuka.
#CantoneseOpera #白雪仙 #任劍輝 #Takarazuka