Alo Japan · @alojapan
75 followers · 1795 posts · Server
Victoria in Tokyo · @vsrj
7 followers · 45 posts · Server

is 's biggest holiday. and traditions focus on removing negative influences of the old year and greeting the new year with calm presence of mind.

Many gather at Buddhist temples late on to hear the bell rung 108 times, to lift each of 108 afflictions that stop the soul from achieving .

in , head temple of the most widely practised branch of in Japan, streams its ceremony:


#知恩院 #除夜の鐘 #お正月 #buddhism #kyoto #chionin #nirvana #newyearseve #shinto #buddhist #japan #newyear

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria in Tokyo · @victoria_srj
16 followers · 79 posts · Server

is 's biggest holiday. and traditions focus on removing negative influences of the old year and greeting the new year with calm presence of mind.

Many gather at Buddhist temples late on to hear the bell rung 108 times, to lift each of 108 afflictions that stop the soul from achieving .

in , head temple of the most widely practised branch of in Japan, streams its ceremony:


#newyear #japan #buddhist #shinto #newyearseve #nirvana #chionin #kyoto #buddhism #お正月 #除夜の鐘 #知恩院

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria in Tokyo · @victoria_srj
9 followers · 42 posts · Server

is 's biggest holiday. and traditions focus on removing negative influences of the old year and greeting the new year with a calm presence of mind.

Many gather at Buddhist temples late on to hear the bell rung 108 times, to lift each of 108 afflictions that stop the soul from achieving .

in , head temple of the most widely practised branch of in Japan, streams its ceremony:

#newyear #japan #buddhist #shinto #newyearseve #nirvana #chionin #kyoto #buddhism #お正月 #除夜の鐘 #知恩院

Last updated 2 years ago

龍國巫婆 · @blueskuei
49 followers · 4096 posts · Server


本日は「ミッドナイト念佛 in おうち」を三門楼上よりライブ配信しております👏✨ みなさん、おうちでお念仏を唱えましょう!! (本日18時頃まで)


#京都 #知恩院 #和順会館 #ミッドナイト念佛 #三門 #国宝 #宿坊 #ホテル

Last updated 4 years ago