Πολύ ενδιαφέρον!
How differently one sees the mirror image of the painting!
Japanese is usually not written from horizontally from right to left, however. Traditional Japanese is written vertically from top to bottom, and the columns are ordered from right to left. Modern Japanese is often written horizontally from left to right, too. So the interpretion of how the image is seen is not so simple.
#神奈川沖浪裏 #art #painting #greatwave #北斎 #hokusai #japanese
My first "big boy" #Lego set that I've EVER purchased for myself. It is bigger than expected. Usually I'm grabbing Lego's to play with my nephew.
Randomly found it at Barnes & Nobles behind the front cashier. I think I was influenced by @kangaroo5383 or someone that posted about Legos recently. :blobcatshrug:
I love it! No regerts. :blobcatheart: #神奈川沖浪裏
#富嶽三十六景 #神奈川沖浪裏 #葛飾北斎
#北斎 #富嶽三十六景 #神奈川沖浪裏