Even Partybots have limits.
#partybot #partybot3000 #robot #scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #comic #party #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #機器人 #派對 #聯歡 #漫畫 #連環圖
#partybot #partybot3000 #robot #scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #comic #party #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #機器人 #派對 #聯歡 #漫畫 #連環圖
One of the most successful and popular Terran cultural exports in the galaxy is martial arts. Research done by 精武體育會 The Jing Wu Athletic Association indicates that an estimated 50 billion people across the galaxy practice and participate in at least one Terran martial art, in varying degrees. However the UGMAA (Union of Galactic Martial Arts Associations) claims the number might be much higher at around 60 billion, if including Terran adaptions of extraterrestrial martial arts such as Nyoongar Qüjmananax (Srereqaxese wrestling)
Pictured: 暗殺拳 Ansatsuken practitioner Ghōrun Qaxār teaching a children's class at Sammo Hung Memorial Park in 新臺山 New Toisan.
#theterrans #terrans #scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #scene #kungfu #martialarts #ansatsuken #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #科幻 #功夫 #武術 #暗殺拳
#theterrans #terrans #scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #scene #kungfu #martialarts #ansatsuken #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #功夫 #武術 #暗殺拳
6 lovable misfits trying to find their way in the Big Smoke.
Thursdays 7:30PM Boorloo Standard Time
#scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #citystreet #scene #misfits #flatmates #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #套房 #同屋主
#scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #citystreet #scene #misfits #flatmates #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #套房 #同屋主
古代有一個專有名詞 叫 『獻祭』。
所以 山莊 需要 進駐 許多 守護天使。
盤古開天,神人 傳授 瑜珈禁術 制止 違反 星際和平協議的種族。
在 量子微觀的世界,人體是一個小宇宙,非常適合 許多星際艦隊進駐,這叫做和平共存。(喜歡吃美食的人類尤佳)
對人體內 禁語,會阻止 人體內 星際艦隊 對外的 通訊。
"Small Hips, BIG HEART"
Did a little mock promo poster for a film set in my Space Opera. Why small hips?
1) The alien in the poster is small and 2) In the game of Ulama, the game ball can only be struck with the hips
Ulama is a very real and ancient game. It's very impressive to watch.
#ulama #galacticcup #mesoamericanballgame #movieposter #sportsmovie #basedonatruestory #25thcentury #alien #spaceopera #scifi #random #drawing #sketch #海報 #外星人
#電影 #運動 #科幻 #亂 #畫畫 #藝術
#ulama #galacticcup #mesoamericanballgame #movieposter #sportsmovie #basedonatruestory #25thcentury #alien #spaceopera #scifi #random #drawing #sketch #海報 #外星人 #電影 #運動 #科幻 #亂 #畫畫 #藝術
2023-01-26 https://weibo.com/1649553061/Mq75UbjZ7
#家务劳动 #性别分工
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(Just a quick character design I came up with yesterday. Not sure what I'm going to do with him but I like his look.)
QOMO Character Biography
Qomo was a former Abbot at the Shaolin Monastery. At the age of 250 , he decided to return to his home planet, Xichũqaratam to live out his remaining years.
When he is not teaching Shaolin Kung Fu to the locals of his home village or meditating, he can be found translating Chan (Zen) Buddhist texts to his native Puriqāsh
language as well as tending to his garden.
Qomo's garden, renowned for it's beauty, draws visitors from all over the local sector. It has unique plants that can be found nowhere else in the galaxy besides Nyoongar Boodja, a place on Earth that Qomo was enamoured with in his youth.
He had spent his 50s and 60s, living in Nyoongar Boodja learning it's language, culture and martial arts. However for mysterious reasons, he left Nyoongar Boodja abruptly, relocated to the Shaolin Monastery and devoted himself to it.
#shaolinkungfu #shaolin #characterbio #characterconcept #noongarboodja #art #conceptart #drawing #sketch #scifi #sciencefiction #aliens #spaceopera #space #少林寺 #少林 #功夫 #武術 #科幻 #藝術 #畫畫 #画画 #天空 #外星人
#shaolinkungfu #shaolin #characterbio #characterconcept #noongarboodja #art #conceptart #drawing #sketch #scifi #sciencefiction #aliens #spaceopera #space #少林寺 #少林 #功夫 #武術 #科幻 #藝術 #畫畫 #画画 #天空 #外星人