> I said, “Joe, how does it make you feel
to know that our host only yesterday
may have made more money
than your novel ‘Catch-22’
has earned in its entire history?”
And Joe said, “I’ve got something he can never have.”
And I said, “What on earth could that be, Joe?”
And Joe said, “The knowledge that I’ve got enough.”
Not bad! Rest in peace!
- https://www.themarginalian.org/2014/01/16/kurt-vonnegut-joe-heller-having-enough/
#Enough with #JosephHeller of #Catch22 fame and #KurtVonnegut see #EnoughIsEnough and #老子, #老子44
- https://mstdn.jp/@bsmall2/109093546734329644
#老子44 #老子 #enoughisenough #kurtvonnegut #catch22 #josephheller #enough
> I said, “Joe, how does it make you feel
to know that our host only yesterday
may have made more money
than your novel ‘Catch-22’
has earned in its entire history?”
And Joe said, “I’ve got something he can never have.”
And I said, “What on earth could that be, Joe?”
And Joe said, “The knowledge that I’ve got enough.”
Not bad! Rest in peace!
- https://www.themarginalian.org/2014/01/16/kurt-vonnegut-joe-heller-having-enough/
#Enough with #JosephHeller of #Catch22 fame and #KurtVonnegut see #EnoughIsEnough and #老子, #老子44
- https://mstdn.jp/@bsmall2/109093546734329644
#老子44 #老子 #enoughisenough #kurtvonnegut #catch22 #josephheller #enough
民不畏死, 奈何以死懼之! 若使民常畏死而爲奇者, 吾得執而殺之, 孰敢?
백성들이 죽음을 두려워하지 않으면 어찌 죽음으로 두려워하게 할까? 백성들로 하여금 늘 죽음을 두려워하게 만들고, 어기는 자가 있으면 내가 잡아 죽일 때 이를 실제로 행하는 자는 누구인가?
常有司殺者殺, 而代司殺者殺, 是代大匠斲, 夫代大匠斲, 希有不傷其手矣.
언제나 죽이는 일을 맡는 자가 있어 그 일을 대신한다. 명령받은 집행자를 대신하여 사람을 죽이는 일은 큰 장인을 대신해서 나무를 깎는 것과 같다고 말할 수 있느니, 대저 큰 목수 밑에 일꾼이 나무를 깎으면, 이런 일꾼이 손을 다치지 않는 경우는 드물다.
대신하는 일은 손을 다치는 경우가 많다 지금 손에 피칠갑하고 있는데도 나한테.. 그러고 싶니? I wish human extinction, of course, including me
전국칠웅 춘추오패 아니면.. 고조선? 후보가 10개인데..
대체 누구와 싸운단 말인가..
도덕경22장 노자께서 말씀하셨다. #老子 #道德經
不自見 故明 不自是 故彰
스스로 드러내지 않아 분명히 드러나고
스스로 옳다고 주장하지 않아 빛나고
不自伐 故有功 不自矜 故長
공격하지 않아 공이 있고 자랑하지 않아 영원하다.
夫唯不爭, 故天下莫能與之爭,
싸우지 않으니 천하가 싸움을 걸 수 없다.
古之所謂曲則全者, 豈虛言哉,
옛말에 굽으면 온전해진다 하였는데 헛된 말이겠는가.
그리고 69장에
故抗兵相加 哀者勝矣
고로 서로 맞서 싸울때 슬퍼하는 쪽이 승리한다.
@SrRochardBunson 宠辱若惊,贵大患若身。何谓宠辱若惊?宠为上,辱为下。得之若惊,失之若惊,是谓宠辱若惊。何谓贵大患若身?吾所以有大患者,为吾有身,及吾无身,吾有何患?故贵以身为天下,若可寄天下;爱以身为天下,若可托天下。
I'm reading Giles's Chuang Tzu on an e-book reader. The wait screens show great pencil drawings of gears and buildings, but the most fascinating one is of a little house at the foot of a mountain. A Japanese #老子 LaoTzu book (by #蜂屋邦夫) mentions ch80's ideal appearing in a #ChuangTzu episode. Had me wondering what a #はねつるべ is. The "well-sweep" in the picture of the hut in the BOOKS drawing! Ironic to see it between drawings of gears and a clocktower, given the moral of the episode.
Two bilingual (English/#日本語) one-page printouts based on the United Nations Web Magazine pages by #RobDietz. Parts of the first chapter of #EnoughIsEnough are on-line AND translated into #Japaense. Now I can hand out decent, extra reading material from this century. Bertrand Russel's writings from the 1920s and 30s are still eerily relevant, but I like this combination of new Econ and ancient #老子 LaoZi
- https://bsmall2.codeberg.page/pages/Enough/Enough-is-Enough-Excerpts-en-ja.html
- https://bsmall2.codeberg.page/pages/Enough/Collapse-ToDo.html
- https://bsmall2.codeberg.page/pages/Enough/R33-versions.html
#EFLJapan #老子 #Japaense #enoughisenough #RobDietz
> “In the sixth century BCE, #LaoTzu.. wrote that the person who knows that enough is enough will always have enough. It has taken us twenty-six centuries.. forget that, and it is high time to relearn it. #RobDietz and #DanONeill provide a compelling case.. an accessible guide.. simple and achievable steps”
#MollyScottCato.. author of #EnvironmentAndEconomy on #EnoughIsEnough
#Enoughness #知足 #足るを知る #老子
#老子 #足るを知る #知足 #enoughness #enoughisenough #EnvironmentAndEconomy #MollyScottCato #DanONeill #RobDietz #laotzu
> He who knows when he has got enough is rich
#JohnCHWu trans. #LaoTzu #LaoTzu33
> 知足者富
> 足るを知る者は富み
#老子 #老子33
Some chapters among my go-to on-line English translation aren't as obviously about enoughness for this thread.
> He who knows he has enough is rich.
#JaneEnglish and #GiaFuFeng
> A person who knows contentment has true wealth.
Later I'll see Ursula LeGuin's work that avoids the gendered pronouns.
#GiaFuFeng #JaneEnglish #青樹謙慈 #老子33 #老子 #LaoTzu33 #laotzu #JohnCHWu
In the video Ayano-san talks of a #諺 Kotowaza proverb: #足るを知る (TaruWoSHiru): knowing what is enough. I've seen on-line memes about #enoughness too, probably associated with Buddhism. Probably a universal idea and around long before writing, it may have first made it into documentation with #老子 #LaoTzu.
> There is no calamity like not knowing what is enough
#JohnCHWu trans #LaoTzu46
#知足 #老子46
> 故知足之足。常足矣。
> 故に足るを知るの足るは、常に足る。
#青樹謙慈 #老子46 #知足 #LaoTzu46 #JohnCHWu #laotzu #老子 #enoughness #足るを知る #諺
> だから騒々しい飄風(つむじかぜ)は朝じゅうは続かず、
#老子 #老子23 #天気
老子は人新世の前に行きていたね。 8時間(以上?)大雨と暴風するスーパー台風がまだなかっただろうなぁぁ..
Lao Tzu lived way before the Anthropocene: He'd need a new metaphor for not talking too much now, after Super Typhoon 14...
> Storms do not continue over half a day. Downpours do not continue over a day. Nature itself does not continue these.
? 吹き荒れる風は半日も続かないし、土砂降りの雨も一日中は続かない。そうしているのは自然そのものである。
#LaoTzu #LaoTzu23 #老子 #老子23 #人新世
#人新世 #老子23 #老子 #LaoTzu23 #laotzu
> #BrianUrquhart observed that he was remarkably free of the desire to take credit, to justify himself or to blame others when things went wrong."
This and a few other quotes had me looking through #LaoTzu #老子 chapters to find descriptions of soft-like-water leadership of the sage/saint.
> He never competes with others, and nobody can compete with him.
- https://blog.mage8.com/roushi-66
- https://blog.mage8.com/roushi-07
- https://blog.mage8.com/roushi-77
#humility #HumbleLeading
#ちょんまげ英語日誌 #HumbleLeading #humility #老子 #laotzu #BrianUrquhart
U Thant was "an example, if not an ideal, of an ethical and moral person." --- Walter Dorn
>""In this world, try to be both good and able. If you do not become able men, at least try to be good men. The country has no use for able but bad men." --- #UThant is #Buddhist but reading #WalterDorn's chapter #BuddhismInAction keeps making me think of chapters in #LaoTzu's work #老子.
#老子 #laotzu #BuddhismInAction #WalterDorn #buddhist #uthant
> If you reconcile a serious dispute by compulsion, hatred will remain inevitably. It is not justice by no means. So the saint who knows “the way” never claims to others though he has legal rights. Virtuous people only keep bonds, the others collect debts with no mercy. Heaven’s way never shows partiality, it always supports good people.
#老子 #LaoTzu #Debt #ちょんまげ英語日誌
There were only 79 chapters in the older versions of the document put together by people under the name of #LaoTzu #老子. I just noticed today that chapters 80 and 81 used to be between chapters 66 and 67. So the document used to end on the idea of debt relief. That got me thinking of #DavidGraeber's #Debt book's thought that the core of all peasant rebellions is the destruction of debt. Paul Goodman said the Tao was a peasant philosophy. #Jesus's Gospels seem to be in the same sort of tradition.
#jesus #debt #davidgraeber #老子 #laotzu