> .. excessively dangerous.. Chuang Tzu lived more than two thousand years ago.. the publication of his book in English.. is obviously premature, and may cause a great deal of pain to many.. respectable and industrious persons. It may be true that the ideal of self-culture and #SelfDevelopment, which is the aim of his scheme of life, and the basis of his scheme of #philosophy, is an ideal somewhat needed by an age like ours, in which most people are so #anxious..
#荘子 #老荘 #DeGrowth #Enough
#enough #degrowth #老荘 #荘子 #anxious #philosophy #selfdevelopment
Chancing on this Oscar Wilde review of an old translation of Chuang Tzu makes me want to learn to write a quote-a-day bot. But how?
> #Morality is, of course, a different thing. It went out of fashion, says #ChuangTzu, when people began to moralize. Men ceased then to be spontaneous and to act on intuition. They became priggish and artificial, and were so blind as to have a definite purpose in life.
#荘子 #OscarWilde #LaoTzu #Witty
#witty #laotzu #oscarwilde #荘子 #chuangtzu #morality
> 仕掛道具が作られると必ずたくらみごとが行われるようになる。たくらみごとが行われるようになると必ず知巧を弄するたくらみ心が起ってくる。たくらみ心が胸中に生じると人間の純粋潔白な本来の心は害(ソコナ)われ、本来の純粋潔白さが害われると霊妙な生の営みはかき乱されて不安定となる。霊妙な生のいとなみが不安定になれば、根源的な真理はもはや彼の生活を支えなくなってしまうのだ
#荘子 #天地編 #ChuangTzu #peasant #farmer #gardener #百姓
#VictorHMair mentions the translation by #福永光司
#福永光司 #VictorHMair #百姓 #gardener #farmer #peasant #chuangtzu #天地編 #荘子
> 機械ある者は必ず機事あり。
#百姓 #gardener #farmer #peasant #chuangtzu #天地編 #荘子
> Do you know what those machines are for?
> They plough, they turn hay, they spread dung, they milk—it depends, answered Nicole.
> There’s one job they all do.
> He looked into her eyes with the utmost seriousness. For all their experience, Nicole’s eyes were innocent.. but they had never seen men poring over a map and drawing up a plan.
> Their job is to wipe us out.
#JohnBerger in #PigEarth #tractor #PeasantOnMachines #荘子 #天地編 #ChuangTzu #farmer #gardener
#gardener #farmer #chuangtzu #天地編 #荘子 #PeasantOnMachines #tractor #PigEarth #JohnBerger