【限時優惠⚡ DIAMANTE 聖誕優惠套裝!】 好奇一問🥹嚟緊聖誕大餐煮咩好? 小編見到有DIAMANTE嘅意大利黑松露專貴禮盒好似幾啱用🎁除左用健康高質食材製作👩🏽🍳仲要無加任何防腐添加劑👍🏽夠哂健康❤️簡單加一羹醬落意粉已經好好食,係廚藝白痴嘅首選🏆 而家仲做緊優惠價$398。... 獨家優惠!鑽石食品意大利松露禮盒都係抵買之選😚有齊黑松露醬、白松露醬、黑松露粉都係$199❣️小編覺得三款都好百搭,除左煎扒煮意粉,仲啱哂點薯條食🤤 偷偷地話你知🙈小編見兩款禮盒都咁靚,所以決定買多幾盒拎去聖誕抽獎party🥳 想睇下DIAMANTE仲有咩產品就Click入嚟睇下啦👇🏽 http://bit.ly/3PlYu9D #MAMA730 #黑松露 #白松露 #DIAMANTE #意大利 #西餐 #意粉 #薯條 #醬 #聖誕 #禮盒 #禮物 #食品 #健康 #香港網店
#mama730 #黑松露 #白松露 #diamante #意大利 #西餐 #意粉 #薯條 #醬 #聖誕 #禮盒 #禮物 #食品 #健康 #香港網店
I think I did something against God but I have no regrets. 😂
Bolognese style ragu on hot chips. Also I tried Epazote (a Mexican herb that smells like petrol that I've recently fallen in love with), Lemon Myrtle and Pepperleaf in the seasoning for the ragu. It was good.
#bolognese #ragu #meatsauce #hotchips #chips #herbs #epazote #lemonmyrtle #pepperleaf #fauxitalian #homecooking #fusioncuisine #肉醬 #薯條 #香草 #假的義大利菜 #料理 #融合
#融合 #料理 #假的義大利菜 #香草 #薯條 #肉醬 #fusioncuisine #homecooking #fauxitalian #pepperleaf #lemonmyrtle #epazote #herbs #chips #hotchips #meatsauce #ragu #bolognese
A snippet from my Space Opera timeline that I'm working on. I wanted to share it here but because of character limits, I had to do it through screenshots. Hope whoever reads it enjoys it. 😊
#art #conceptart #drawing #sketch #scifi #sciencefiction #nyoongar #noongar #yamatji #polonyandsauce #chips #goodfood #markets #aliens #spaceopera #space #科幻 #藝術 #畫畫 #画画 #天空 #薯條 #料理 #好吃 #天空人 #市場
#市場 #天空人 #好吃 #料理 #薯條 #天空 #画画 #畫畫 #藝術 #科幻 #space #spaceopera #aliens #markets #goodfood #chips #polonyandsauce #yamatji #noongar #nyoongar #sciencefiction #scifi #sketch #drawing #conceptart #art
Had a whole bunch of chips left over from Fish and Chips the other day. Didn't want to throw them out, so I made Lomo Saltado. A Peruvian Chifa (Chinese fusion) dish of beef stir fried with onions, tomatoes and chips and seasoned with soy sauce and vinegar. I also threw in capsicums for extra colour and a very healthy amount of pepper. 😜
#lomosaltado #peruviancuisine #chifa #beef #chips #frenchfries #stirfry #饎飯 #秘魯中餐 #秘魯菜 #牛肉 #薯條 #炒
#炒 #薯條 #牛肉 #秘魯菜 #秘魯中餐 #饎飯 #stirfry #frenchfries #chips #beef #chifa #peruviancuisine #lomosaltado