夏目雅子が伊集院静に強制的に幾度も“堕胎”させられた真相…母親が語る内容に言葉を失う…「南極物語」でも有名な女優の公表とは異なる本当の“死因”に驚きを隠せない… https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1786101/gravure-idols/
If you're a UKer of my generation, you grew up knowing this song by heart:
So many of us were hooked on Monkey and we ended up absorbing new myths, new stories.
Singing along to Monkey Magic, who knew we were getting hooked on a 16th-century novel about the retrieval of sutras from India??
Makes me quite nostalgic to be watching #AmericanBornChinese and see Monkey and Pigsy again.
#JourneyToTheWest #WúChéng'ēn #XīYóuJì #吳承恩 #西遊記
#西遊記 #吳承恩 #xiyouji #wucheng #journeytothewest #americanbornchinese
RT 自由淮揚|Free Hweya
#西遊記 #水滸伝
Sun Wukong, The Monkey King
#JourneyToTheWest #西遊記 #art (open for full image)
子供の時オーストラリアで「西遊記」というテレビ番組が放送された。英語に翻訳された「Monkey」と言ったけどテーマソングの歌詞のお陰で、「Monkey Magic」と思う違いた人が多い。
I was momentarily excited to discover today that the 1927 Chinese film Cave of the Silken Web (盤絲洞), based on an incident in the Journey to the West, is showing at our local arts cinema in #Dundee, with live musical accompaniment. I went online to book a ticket… and found it was sold out.
(I detect some signs of relief elsewhere in the household, out of the fear I might have proposed it as a collective fun activity for a Sunday.)
#創作 #男女 #西遊記 #コスプレ #ファンタジー #白髪 #銀髪
クリスタで制作しました♪ #pixivSketch https://sketch.pixiv.net/items/5176332200579746865 https://pawoo.net/media/8bkeemqLFxyW5yymA8w
#pixivsketch #銀髪 #白髪 #ファンタジー #コスプレ #西遊記 #男女 #創作