A possible reading of the daily saying is
One how has no doubt gets no wisdom.^1
One who never wavers never enlightens.
The English translation on the Buddhist monthly-repeat calendar is:
"Awaken, and aspire for the truth!"^2
I'm too tired to think of alternatives now.
The first day of March. From now on I'll always think of it as #MoronDay in Commemoration of the #AtomiEnergyCommission now that @bojacobs just informed me that it was on this day in 1954 that one of the Bikini atoll islands was vaporized and those Japanese fisherman were poisoned by a blast that was unexpectedly large surprising un-thinking scientists. Jamese Harvey Robinson defines moron: "a person who doesn't think." #calendars #諺 #仏教
#仏教 #諺 #calendars #atomienergycommission #moronday
> 一隅を照らす。
Brighten your corner
> Do your best to improve society
> 彼も人なり、 我も人なり
> She is a person, I am a person
> They are people, We are people.
> [由来] 八~九世紀、#唐王朝 の時代の文人、#韓愈 の文章の一節から。昔の人は、舜という聖人の話を聞くと、「彼も人なり、予も人なり(その人も私も同じ #人間 だ)」と考え、自分も舜のようになろうと朝晩、努力したものだ、と述べています。また、この一節の元になったものとして、「 #孟子 ―滕文公・上」に出て来る、「彼も丈夫なり、我も #丈夫 なり(その人もいっぱしの男なら、私だっていっぱしの男だ)」があります。
#buddhism #仏教 #proverbs #諺 #日巡りカレンダー #丈夫 #孟子 #人間 #韓愈 #唐王朝
"Strike the hammer while the iron is hot." --- #BobMarley's #MellowMood^1 came to mind with today's saying on the day-by-day calendar.
> 鉄は熱いうちに打て
The monthly calendar has advice of the day's Rage Against The War Machine participants. Even in rage we need a little calm part, I guess.
> Keep your mind peaceful
> 自分の心を安らかに保とう
#仏教 #Buddhism #Saying
#DayByDay #Calendars #日巡りカレンダー #諺
#諺 #日巡りカレンダー #calendars #daybyday #saying #buddhism #仏教 #proverb #MellowMood #bobmarley
> Since we are on the topic of idiom, this one rings true: “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down”. Unless you’re the boss of the company you rarely stand to profit from problem solving or creative thinking — and usually speaking up will be detrimental to you in some way.
#Sayings #LuBan #Proverbs #諺
February 9th is a big day for Nuclear accidents. One in Korea and one in Japan on this day. This grassroots calendar is great for reminding me of what should get more attention. Another calendar of proverbs has "The cornered rat bites the cat" 窮鼠猫を噛む, and I guess regular people would bit more if we thought more about nuke damage. The Buddhist sayings calendar has "Don't chase the past or wait for the future" 過去は追わず未来は待たず.
#calendars #NoNukes #Proverbs #諺
#原発とめよう秩父人 #諺 #proverbs #nonukes #calendars
In the video Ayano-san talks of a #諺 Kotowaza proverb: #足るを知る (TaruWoSHiru): knowing what is enough. I've seen on-line memes about #enoughness too, probably associated with Buddhism. Probably a universal idea and around long before writing, it may have first made it into documentation with #老子 #LaoTzu.
> There is no calamity like not knowing what is enough
#JohnCHWu trans #LaoTzu46
#知足 #老子46
> 故知足之足。常足矣。
> 故に足るを知るの足るは、常に足る。
#青樹謙慈 #老子46 #知足 #LaoTzu46 #JohnCHWu #laotzu #老子 #enoughness #足るを知る #諺
(´ー`)た ただ、あの配信の空気の中ぢゃないと言い出しにくいうわなにおするやめ(ドカバキボコッ☆)
The great advantage of a proverb in argument is that it is supposed to be incontrovertible, as embodying the quintessential sagacity of our ancestors. But when once you have realised that proverbs go in pairs which say opposite things you can never again be downed by a proverb; you merely quote the opposite.
#BertrandRussel #Proverbs #諺 #opposites
#opposites #諺 #proverbs #bertrandrussel
The supposed wisdom of #proverbs is mainly imaginary. As a rule, proverbs go in pairs which say opposite things..
> 諺 に含まれているとされる知恵は、主として想像上のものである。一般的に、諺は二つで対になって流布し、互いに逆の真理を述べている.. 「三人寄れば #文珠の知恵 (Two heads are better than one)」の逆は「船頭多くして舟、山に登る (Too many cooks spoil the broth)」であるだろう。その他いろいろ。
議論において諺を引用する大きな利点は、諺は我々の祖先の典型的な賢明さを具現化したものであるので'反駁が困難なもの'であると(一般に)考えられていることである。諺は正反対の内容を述べる一対の形で流布しているという事実をいったん認識すれば、決して再び諺の力に負かされることはない。単に、その反対の#諺 を引用するだけでよい。
#bertrandrussel #諺 #文珠の知恵 #proverbs
RT @USConsNagoya: 「必要は発明の母」(Necessity is the mother of invention)という #英語 の #諺 が大好きです。日本語だと「窮すれば通ず」に意味が近いです。だれが最初に言ったのか分かりませんが、その人は #猫 を飼っていたに違いないです。😅👏🐱👍 https://t.co/U3PKGXci0K
「失敗は成功の元」-> 「失敗は災害の元」
> big accidents almost always have very small beginnings. Such events appear trivial to begin with before unpredictably cascading through the system to create a large event with severe consequences.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_Accidents
#諺 #新諺 #normalaccidents #CharlesPerrow
#charlesperrow #諺 #新諺 #normalaccidents
「実れば実るほど頭を垂れる。」 ---- 諺
With maturity, the neck bends.
More Maturity, More Humility.
With Greater Development, Greater Humility.
「真実 真実 真実だけ頭を垂れる」--- 長渕剛 Run
Only the truth makes my head bow.
#sunflower #ediblemeadow #humility #諺 #長渕剛
#sunflower #humility #諺 #長渕剛 #ediblemeadow
> 実れば実るほど、頭が垂れる。
> More Maturity, More Humility.
The fully developed, bow their heads.
#sunflower #向日葵 #ヒマワリ #諺