@RightsLawyersCN RT by @laiyanhoeric: #案件通报 #李翘楚 #许志永 博士的女朋友 #李翘楚 涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪一案将于2023年6月20日上午9:00在山东省临沂经济开发区人民法院开庭审理。 据翘楚的母亲说这一次是不公开开庭。 👊敬请关注👊 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/RightsLawyersCN/status/1670470291456241665#m
@RFA_Chinese RT by @wangdan1989: #六四34周年 前夕,中国民运人士王丹 @wangdan1989 受邀前往丹麦,参加 #哥本哈根民主高峰会。 为期一周的欧洲行,王丹不但会见捷克总统帕维尔,针对中国问题交换看法外,也向德国自民党人权发言人海特提出,希望德国议会关注 #许志永 等人权案件,并向中国施压 。 https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/renquanfazhi/ck-06012023100626.html https://nitter.hongkongers.net/RFA_Chinese/status/1664319385262080009#m
@tengbiao RT by @laiyanhoeric: 为了自由而失去自由——#许志永 博士被控颠覆国家政权罪自辩词 (与之前公布的法庭陈述不一样,只有一小段略有重复) https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/694913.html https://nitter.hongkongers.net/tengbiao/status/1647274686424788992#m
@tengbiao RT by @rachel_cheung1: Prominent human rights lawyer and activist #XuZhiyong was just sentenced to 14 years for "State Subversion". #China #许志永 被重判14年! https://nitter.hongkongers.net/tengbiao/status/1645248244182577152#m
@YaxueCao RT by @StephenMcDonell: Citizen movement leaders #XuZhiyong and #DingJiaxi will be sentenced on April 10 after more than three years in detention and 9 months since the trials ended. Deprived of paper and pen, Xu Zhiyong dictated the following statement. #许志永 #丁家喜 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/YaxueCao/status/1644303858485657600#m
#xuzhiyong #dingjiaxi #许志永 #丁家喜
@tengbiao RT by @rachel_cheung1: The verdicts in the case of leading human rights lawyers #XuZhiyong(#许志永) and #Dingjiaxi (#丁家喜) 's "subversion of state power" will be delivered on April 10, 2023 at 09:30, 10:30 am in Linshu County Court, Shandong Province. Both have been detained for more than 3 years. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/tengbiao/status/1643968271815786497#m
#xuzhiyong #许志永 #dingjiaxi #丁家喜
@tengbiao RT by @JessiePang0125: The verdicts in the case of leading human rights lawyers #XuZhiyong(#许志永) and #Dingjiaxi (#丁家喜) 's "subversion of state power" will be delivered on April 10, 2023 at 09:30, 10:30 am in Linshu County Court, Shandong Province. Both have been detained for more than 3 years. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/tengbiao/status/1643968271815786497#m
#xuzhiyong #许志永 #dingjiaxi #丁家喜
民主活动人士丁家喜许志永被控新罪 料将受到重判
#中国大陆 #中国律师 #言论自由 #许志永 #丁家喜 #失踪人民共和国