Actor Hashizume Isao (橋爪功) reads three stories from Lafcadio Hearn's Kwaidan.
#Hashizume Isao #橋爪功 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉 八雲 #Rokurokubi #ろくろ首 #轆轤首 #Mujina #貉 #Yukionna #雪おんな
#hashizume #橋爪功 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉 #rokurokubi #ろくろ首 #轆轤首 #Mujina #貉 #yukionna #雪おんな
The story of the faceless noppera-bō yōkai was retold by Lafcadio Hearn as Mujina in Kwaidan. This video has English subtitles.
#Nopperabō #のっぺらぼう #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉八雲 #Mujina #貉 #Kwaidan #怪談 #Yōkai #妖怪
#nopperabo #のっぺらぼう #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉八雲 #Mujina #貉 #Kwaidan #怪談 #yokai #妖怪
The One Hundred Tales (百物語) is an album by Japanese experimental musician mora-tau inspired by the writing of Lafcadio Hearn and traditional Japanese supernatural stories.
#moratau #OneHundredTales #百物語 #鏡と鐘 #Hyakumonogatari #Kiyohime #清姫 #Mujina #貉 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉八雲 #Kwaidan #怪談
#Moratau #OneHundredTales #百物語 #鏡と鐘 #Hyakumonogatari #Kiyohime #清姫 #Mujina #貉 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉八雲 #Kwaidan #怪談