11月26日重庆,打工人在服装城隔一个多月,天天阴性,今天突然红码,大家都不淡定了,哪都不去,怎么会羊。 #重庆疫情
On November 26th in Chongqing, the migrant workers were in the clothing city for more than a month, and every day was negative. Today, the code suddenly became red. Everyone was not calm, and they didn't go anywhere. #chongqingepidemic
#重庆疫情 11月26日,重庆一小区,关了一个多月都是阴性,白卫兵拉钢条来封控,被居民包围,发现白卫兵是黄码!不能让他们走!
#Chongqingepidemic On November 26th, a community in Chongqing was closed for more than a month and all were negative. The white guards pulled steel bars to seal them up. They were surrounded by residents and found that the white guards had a yellow code! Can't let them go!
今天早上9点,来了一大批黑衣人维稳 #重庆疫情
11月24日重庆,关在家里都快满月了,坚决不让白卫拉去隔离,大家想了个办法,开车来堵路,把马路堵死 #重庆疫情
On November 24th in Chongqing, it was almost a full month after being locked up at home. We were determined not to let Bai Weila go to quarantine. Everyone thought of a way to drive to block the road and block the road # Chongqing Epidemic
11月24日重庆云篆山公租房,假大白开私人车来投毒,小区没阳,来搞出阳,被居民识破 #重庆疫情
On November 24th, in the public rental housing in Yunzhuan Mountain, Chongqing, fake Dabai drove a private car to poison the community. There was no sunshine in the community.
11月24日重庆,亲和佳苑,白卫兵用这辆私家车转运,拉了阳的又拉阴的,居民包围汽车不给出去 #重庆疫情
On November 24th in Chongqing, Jinhe Jiayuan, Bai Weibing used this private car to transport, pulling the yang and pulling the yin, the residents surrounded the car and refused to go out # Chongqing Epidemic
#重庆疫情 喊楼,最低成本的抗议,人身安全第一,都不愿做出头鸟,但又在等出头鸟
#Chongqingepidemic shouting, the lowest cost protest, personal safety first, they are reluctant to be the first bird, but they are waiting for the first bird
11月23日重庆南岸区,城南家园二组团,被蓝卫兵封了,小区居民不干了!凭什么你们来去自如,可以随意进出小区,既然要封,那你们也别想出去!居民团团包围蓝卫兵和汽车,不准他们出去!集体抗议!晚上和晶哥发生冲突 #重庆疫情
11月23日重庆南岸区,城南家园二组团,被蓝卫兵封了,小区居民不干了!凭什么你们来去自如,可以随意进出小区,既然要封,那你们也别想出去!居民团团包围蓝卫兵和汽车,不准他们出去!集体抗议!晚上和晶哥发生冲突 #重庆疫情
#重庆疫情 重庆寸滩方舱医院建成
#Chongqingepidemic Chongqing Cuntan Fangcang shelter hospital completed