there's a mobile MOBA called "Extraordinary Ones" that I am very into
it's on the app store and play store
the only reason it doesn't have a higher rating is because there aren't enough players-though queue times are brutal, there are always new and old players because it's That Good
it is the first game i've played since super smash bros 64 that made me feel excited and curious thrill at messing around with every single character specifically because the playstyles and movesets are so cleverly and lovingly weaved into their characterizations and lore in a way that is consistently delightful even when it is not a playstyle i would normally gravitate towards
the world, setting and characters are lighthearted and goofy but the plotlines, while poorly translated, are fascinating and philosophical and emotional and Good Weird
pls boost far and wide if you do not mind ~
#非人類学園 #非人学园 #nonhumanacademy #extraordinaryones