Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away. He was a famous musician. I've seen him on TV in commercials, but he did some great work along with grass-roots energy and environmental activists. It was great to see the _Now War_ book come out in 2002. Some articles that I introduced to a Jubilee 2000^1 (JubileeKyushu!!) mailing list were translated for the book. I found the book with the decades-old printouts.
#ZNetwork #NoWar #非戦 #坂本龍一 #RyuichiSakamoto #PeaceBook
^1 [Jubilee 2000] https://chomsky.info/19980515/
#peacebook #ryuichisakamoto #坂本龍一 #非戦 #nowar #znetwork
Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away. He was a famous musician. I've seen him on TV in commercials, but he did some great work along with grass-roots energy and environmental activists. It was great to see the _No War_ book come out in 2002. Some articles that I introduced to a Jubilee 2000^1 (JubileeKyushu!!) mailing list were translated for the book. I found the book with the decades-old printouts.
#ZNetwork #NoWar #非戦 #坂本龍一 #RyuichiSakamoto #PeaceBook
^1 [Jubilee 2000] https://chomsky.info/19980515/
#peacebook #ryuichisakamoto #坂本龍一 #非戦 #nowar #znetwork
> 主人が亡くなる直前のことですが、突然「起きてる?」と声をかけられたのです。病状が悪化したのかと思って「どうしたの?」と聞いたら、「2500年前の思想家に墨子という人がいてね、あの時代にずっと戦争に反対し続けた人なんだ。すごい人だから、墨子をお読みなさい」って。それでまたスヤスヤと寝ちゃった。それが最期の言葉でした。
#墨子 #半藤一利 #最期の言葉
#LastWords #ReadMoZi #半藤末利子 #中国思想 #思想 #非戦 #NoWar
#nowar #非戦 #思想 #中国思想 #半藤末利子 #readmozi #lastwords #最期の言葉 #半藤一利 #墨子
Looks like there is a big #NoWar #非戦 event this week. #DavidSwanson and a lot of other people will perform #RageAgainstWar #RageAgainstTheWarMachine.
I wonder if any RATM people will be there?
#RageAgainstTheWarMachine #RageAgainstWar #DavidSwanson #非戦 #nowar
非戦 No War in Chinese and English.
Motzu Mozi, (probably) a tattoed craftsmen that put his life on the line in defense of all. He makes me think of Bob Marley "No More War, No More Trouble" and "Brotherly Love, Sisterly love...".
#非戦 #NoWar #China #Chinese #BobMarley #兼相愛
#兼相愛 #bobmarley #chinese #china #nowar #非戦
> The murder of one person is called unrighteous and incurs one death penalty.. the murder of ten persons will be ten times as unrighteous... a hundred persons will be a hundred times as unrighteous and there should be a hundred death penalties. All.. know that they should condemn these things.. But when it comes to the great unrighteousness of attacking states, they do not... On the contrary, they applaud it, calling it righteous.
Mozi #墨子 #非戦 #NoWar #Chinese #中国語
#LaoTzu #LaoTse #LaoTzu24 #老子 #老子24 #福永光司 #青樹謙慈
#反戦 、 #非戦 の #老子31 と 同じ文があるらしい、 #戦争 は #威張る ためにやるから関連があるかな?
#威張る #戦争 #老子31 #非戦 #反戦 #青樹謙慈 #福永光司 #老子24 #老子 #LaoTzu24 #Laotse #laotzu